USCE-Little Rock District

P O Box 867 Little Rock, AR 72203

Company Summary Information

USCE-Little Rock District is ranked #311 out of 4,868 utilities nationwide in terms of total annual net electricity generation, and they are ranked #18 out of 383 utilities in terms of total annual net electricity generation from hydroelectric conventional.

USCE-Little Rock District generated 360.2 GWh during the 3-month period between September 2023 to December 2023.

Company NameUSCE-Little Rock District
LocationP O Box 867 Little Rock, AR 72203
EIA Utility TypeFederally-Owned Utility
EIA Utility DatesJan 2001 to Dec 2023
EIA Annual Generation 2.7 TWh
EIA Power Plants7
Fuel Types Hydroelectric Conventional
Ranked #311 out of 4,868 Utilities Nationwide by Annual Generation
Ranked #18 out of 383 Utilities Nationwide in terms of Hydroelectric Conventional Generation

Map of USCE-Little Rock District Locations

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Monthly Electricity Generation by Type

Monthly electricity generation by source as reported by the EIA

Power Plants Operated by USCE-Little Rock District

PlantLocationAnnual GenerationInitial Operation DateLast UpdateFuel Types
Beaver DamEureka Springs, Arkansas118 GWhApr 1965Dec 2023 Water
Bull ShoalsMountain Home, Arkansas750 GWhAug 1952Dec 2023 Water
DardanelleDardanelle, Arkansas426 GWhMar 1965Dec 2023 Water
Greers Ferry LakeHeber Springs, Arkansas210 GWhFeb 1964Dec 2023 Water
NorforkSalesville, Arkansas210 GWhMay 1944Jun 2023 Water
OzarkOzark, Arkansas253 GWhOct 1972Dec 2023 Water
Table RockBranson, Missouri499 GWhApr 1959Dec 2023 Water

Other Companies Listed Alphabetically

A list of companies close to USCE-Little Rock District when arranged alphabetically. They do not neccessarily have any association with USCE-Little Rock District.

Company NameCompany LocationEIA Annual
FERC 2024 Q3
US Dept Of Army, Garrison, APGAberdeen, MD49.7 GWh-
US Funding 1New York, NY140.6 GWh-
US Geothermal, Inc.Boise, ID289.8 GWh-
US GSA Heating And TransmissionWashington, DC44.8 GWh-
US Sugar Savannah Refinery, LLCPort Wentworth, GA52.2 GWh-
Usace Northwestern DivisionPortland, OR42.7 TWh-
Usace-Detroit DistrictDetroit, MI175.7 GWh-
Usace-Fort Worth DistrictFort Worth, TX122.7 GWh-
Usace-OmahaOmaha, NE8.4 TWh-
USCE -Vickburg DistrictRoyal, AR514.0 GWh-
USCE-Kansas City DistrictKansas City, MO106.7 GWh-
USCE-Mobile DistrictMobile, AL1.9 TWh-
USCE-Nashville DistrictNashville, TN2.5 TWh-
USCE-Savannah DistrictSavannah, GA1.5 TWh-
USCE-St Louis DistrictMonroe City, MO97.6 GWh-
USCE-Tulsa DistrictTulsa, OK1.4 TWh-
USCE-Wilmington DistrictBoydton, VA376.0 GWh-
USF Essex Lessor, LLCNew York, NY54.1 GWh-
USF Surry LLCNew York, NY99.4 GWh-
USG Nevada LLCBoise, ID91.9 GWh$2.02M