Sunflower Wind Project

179 Lincoln St, Suite 500 Boston, MA 2111

Company Summary Information

According to FERC EQR data, Sunflower Wind Project had a total of $2.3M in seller transasctions in 2024 Q3.

Company NameSunflower Wind Project
Location179 Lincoln St, Suite 500 Boston, MA 2111
EIA Utility TypeInvestor-Owned Utility
EIA Utility DatesOct 2016 to Dec 2018
EIA Annual Generation -
Fuel Types No Information Available

FERC Seller Summary

Seller Dates AvailableOct 2016 to Dec 2024
Seller Total Transaction Charges$85.97M
Seller Total Transactions283
Seller 2024 Q3 Transaction Charges$2.32M
Seller 2024 Q3 Transactions9

Map of Sunflower Wind Project Locations

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Monthly Electricity Generation by Type

Monthly electricity generation by source as reported by the EIA

Monthly FERC Transaction Charges by Type

Monthly aggregates and sums are derived from FERC Electronic Quarterly Reports (EQR)

Other Companies Listed Alphabetically

A list of companies close to Sunflower Wind Project when arranged alphabetically. They do not neccessarily have any association with Sunflower Wind Project.

Company NameCompany LocationEIA Annual
FERC 2024 Q3
SUNE WF3-St Holdings, LLCNew York, NY1.5 GWh-
SUNE WG113 Moreno Valley LLCNew York, NY1.3 GWh-
SUNE WG45 Woodland LLCNew York, NY816.9 MWh-
Sunedison LLCBelmont, CA2.8 TWh-
Sunenergy1Mooresville, NC2.2 GWh-
Sunenergy1-Scotland Neck, LLCMooresville, NC6.0 GWh-
Sunflower County Solar Project, LLCWalnut Creek, CA116.2 GWh-
Sunflower Electric Power CorpHays, KS2.1 TWh$25.37M
Sunflower Energy Center, LLCChicago, IL883.2 GWh$1.31M
Sunflower Solar, LLCNew York, NY34.3 GWh-
Sungen Sharon 1 LLCArundel, ME2.7 GWh-
Sunlight General Mercer Solar LLCNew York, NY10.3 GWh-
Sunlight General Morris Solar LLCNew York, NY6.1 GWh-
Sunlight General Solar Fund II, LLCNew York, NY3.4 GWh-
Sunlight General Somerset Solar LLCNew York, NY1.2 GWh-
Sunlight Road Solar, LLCNew York, NY13.1 GWh-
Sunlight Storage II, LLCJuno Beach, FL-$10.05M
Sunlight Storage, LLCJuno Beach, FL-90.6 GWh$10.35M
Sunny Cow Solar, LLCEl Segundo, CA847.0 MWh-
Sunny Templeton, LLCDepere, WI4.8 GWh-

All Companies Associated with Sunflower Wind Project

A list of all companies associated with Sunflower Wind Project in terms of FERC EQR transactions. Total Transaction Charges are based on FERC EQR data obtained since Q3 2013.

Company Name2024 Q3 Transactions w/
Sunflower Wind Project
Basin Electric Power Cooperative$2.32M

The 20 Most Recent FERC EQR Transactions

Displaying Results 1 to 20 of 283   ( 0.046s )
Seller NameBuyer NameProductTransaction
Group Ref #
Begin DateEnd DateTrade DateQuantityPriceUnitsTransmission
FERC Tariff RefContract
Point of
Delivery Hub
Sunflower Wind Project, LLCBasin Electric Power CooperativeENERGYT72024-12-01 00:002024-12-31 23:592015-12-1842,713.98$23.80$/MWH$0.00$1,016,592.72Sunflower Wind Project, MBR Tariff, 0.0.0C1New2015-12-182016-12-212041-12-31CentralPrevailing2WAUEDickenson-Heskett 230kvUnitPowerSaleLongTermYearlyFullPeriodNew
Sunflower Wind Project, LLCBasin Electric Power CooperativeOTHERT52024-11-01 00:002024-11-30 23:592015-12-180.33$23.80$/MWH$0.00$7.85Sunflower Wind Project, MBR Tariff, 0.0.0C1New2015-12-182016-12-212041-12-31CentralPrevailing2WAUEDickenson-Heskett 230kvUnitPowerSaleLongTermYearlyFullPeriodNew
Sunflower Wind Project, LLCBasin Electric Power CooperativeENERGYT42024-11-01 00:002024-11-30 23:592015-12-1835,744.09$23.80$/MWH$0.00$850,709.34Sunflower Wind Project, MBR Tariff, 0.0.0C1New2015-12-182016-12-212041-12-31CentralPrevailing2WAUEDickenson-Heskett 230kvUnitPowerSaleLongTermYearlyFullPeriodNew
Sunflower Wind Project, LLCBasin Electric Power CooperativeOTHERT62024-11-01 00:002024-11-30 23:592015-12-180.33$38.36$/MWH$0.00$12.66Sunflower Wind Project, MBR Tariff, 0.0.0C1New2015-12-182016-12-212041-12-31CentralPrevailing2WAUEDickenson-Heskett 230kvUnitPowerSaleLongTermYearlyFullPeriodNew

Sunflower Wind Project Name and Address Permutations

Due to the nature of the data we have to make some assumptions when determining if two companies are the same. So to be transparent about how we're calculating some of the summary values, here are all the company names and addresses that were combined to create this record. While we try to make sure everything is as accurate as possible we can't guarantee complete accuracy for all records.

Company NameCompany Address
Sunflower Wind Project179 Lincoln St, Suite 500 Boston, MA 2111
Sunflower Wind Project, LLC701 Brazos, Suite 1400 Austin, TX 78701
Sunflower Wind Project, LLC7621 Little Avenue - Suite 350 Charlotte, NC 28266
Sunflower Wind Project, LLC767 Third Ave, 17TH Floor New York, NY 10017