SEMASS Partnership

141 Cranberry HWY West Wareham, MA 2576

Company Summary Information

SEMASS Partnership is ranked #701 out of 4,868 utilities nationwide in terms of total annual net electricity generation, and they are ranked #7 out of 109 utilities in terms of total annual net electricity generation from other fuel.

SEMASS Partnership generated 205.6 GWh during the 3-month period between September 2024 to December 2024.

According to FERC EQR data, SEMASS Partnership had a total of $5.0M in seller transasctions in 2024 Q3.

Company NameSEMASS Partnership
Location141 Cranberry HWY West Wareham, MA 2576
EIA Utility TypeCommercial
EIA Utility DatesJan 2001 to Dec 2024
EIA Annual Generation 620.6 GWh
EIA Power Plants1
Fuel Types Other Fuel Biogenic Municipal Solid Waste and Landfill Gas Natural Gas Distillate Fuel Oil
Ranked #701 out of 4,868 Utilities Nationwide by Annual Generation
Ranked #7 out of 109 Utilities Nationwide in terms of Other Fuel Generation

FERC Seller Summary

Seller Dates AvailableJul 2013 to Dec 2024
Seller Total Transaction Charges$345.96M
Seller Total Transactions119,303
Seller 2024 Q3 Transaction Charges$5.02M
Seller 2024 Q3 Transactions4,416

Map of SEMASS Partnership Locations

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Monthly Electricity Generation by Type

Monthly electricity generation by source as reported by the EIA

Monthly FERC Transaction Charges by Type

Monthly aggregates and sums are derived from FERC Electronic Quarterly Reports (EQR)

Power Plants Operated by SEMASS Partnership

PlantLocationAnnual GenerationInitial Operation DateLast UpdateFuel Types
SEMASS Resource RecoveryWest Wareham, Massachusetts568 GWhJun 1988Dec 2024 Non-biogenic Municipal Solid Waste : 54.1% Biogenic Municipal Solid Waste : 44.3% Natural Gas : 1.5%

Other Companies Listed Alphabetically

A list of companies close to SEMASS Partnership when arranged alphabetically. They do not neccessarily have any association with SEMASS Partnership.

Company NameCompany LocationEIA Annual
FERC 2024 Q3
Sec LHNY Solar One, LLCJuno Beach, FL1.5 GWh-
Second Foundation US Trading, LLCNew York, NY-$11.75M
Segunda Solar II, LLCSan Francisco, CA6.2 GWh-
Seiling Wind II, LLCJuno Beach, FL-$1.49M
Seiling Wind, LLCJuno Beach, FL-$3.30M
Selective InsuranceBranchville, NJ3.8 GWh-
Selkirk Cogen Partners LPSelkirk, NY339.2 GWh$8.20M
Selmer Farm, LLCNew York, NY-$926.06k
Selmer North Solar I, LLCNashville, TN27.4 GWh-
Selmer North Solar II, LLCNashville, TN11.3 GWh-
Seminole Electric Cooperative IncTampa, FL14.5 TWh$54.64M
Sempra Gas & Power Marketing, LLCSan Diego, CA-$114.79M
Sendero Wind Energy, LLCBaltimore, MD293.2 GWh-
Seneca Energy IIOakfield, NY188.0 GWh-
Seneca Energy, II LLCOakfield, NY-$4.11M
Seneca Generation LLCWarren, PA-408.9 GWh$17.27M
Seneca NationIrving, NY3.3 GWh-
Seneca Power Partners LPBatavia, NY6.1 GWh$837.64k
Seneca Sustainable Energy LLC144.3 GWh-
Sentinel Energy Center LLCDesert Hot Springs, CA473.0 GWh$38.92M

All Companies Associated with SEMASS Partnership

A list of all companies associated with SEMASS Partnership in terms of FERC EQR transactions. Total Transaction Charges are based on FERC EQR data obtained since Q3 2013.

Company Name2024 Q3 Transactions w/
SEMASS Partnership
ISO New England Inc.$5.02M
Commonwealth Electric Company-

Company Contacts

A list of all company contacts obtained from FERC EQR data since 2013

ContactTitlePhoneEmailAddressFERC Filing Periods
Manager of Power Markets2013Q3 - 2024Q4

The 20 Most Recent FERC EQR Transactions

Displaying Results 1 to 20 of 119,303   ( 0.023s )
Seller NameBuyer NameProductTransaction
Group Ref #
Begin DateEnd DateTrade DateQuantityPriceUnitsTransmission
FERC Tariff RefContract
Point of
Delivery Hub
SEMASS PartnershipISO New England IncENERGYNE01029752024-12-31 23:002024-12-31 23:592024-12-3047$37.07$/MWH$0.00$1,742.29FERC_TARIFF_REFERENCEISO-NE MPSANew2017-12-012017-12-01EasternStandard2ISNE563NotApplicableClassShortTermHourlyOffPeakNew
SEMASS PartnershipISO New England IncENERGYNE01022312024-12-31 23:002024-12-31 23:592024-12-3016$35.53$/MWH$0.00$568.48FERC_TARIFF_REFERENCEISO-NE MPSANew2017-12-012017-12-01EasternStandard2ISNE562NotApplicableClassShortTermHourlyOffPeakNew
SEMASS PartnershipISO New England IncENERGYNE01022302024-12-31 22:002024-12-31 22:592024-12-3016$36.64$/MWH$0.00$586.24FERC_TARIFF_REFERENCEISO-NE MPSANew2017-12-012017-12-01EasternStandard2ISNE562NotApplicableClassShortTermHourlyOnPeakNew
SEMASS PartnershipISO New England IncENERGYNE01029742024-12-31 22:002024-12-31 22:592024-12-3047$38.15$/MWH$0.00$1,793.05FERC_TARIFF_REFERENCEISO-NE MPSANew2017-12-012017-12-01EasternStandard2ISNE563NotApplicableClassShortTermHourlyOnPeakNew

SEMASS Partnership Name and Address Permutations

Due to the nature of the data we have to make some assumptions when determining if two companies are the same. So to be transparent about how we're calculating some of the summary values, here are all the company names and addresses that were combined to create this record. While we try to make sure everything is as accurate as possible we can't guarantee complete accuracy for all records.

Company NameCompany Address
SEMASS Partnership141 Cranberry HWY West Wareham, MA 2576
SEMASS Partnership445 South Street Morristown, NJ 07960