Westervelt Moundville Cogen

2500 Gulf States Pkwy, Moundville, AL 35474

Plant Summary Information

Westervelt Moundville Cogen is ranked #7 out of 8 wood/wood waste solids power plants in Alabama in terms of total annual net electricity generation.

Westervelt Moundville Cogen generated 7.9 GWh during the 3-month period between August 2023 to November 2023.

Plant NameWestervelt Moundville Cogen
Utility NameThe Westervelt Co
LocationHale County, AL
Initial Operation DateDecember 2011
Last Update Nov 2023
Annual Generation 32.7 GWh
Annual Consumption 1.4 M MMBtu
Ranked #4,478 out of 11,949 Power Plants Nationwide
Ranked #129 out of 168 Wood/Wood Waste Solids Power Plants Nationwide
Ranked #63 out of 75 Alabama Power Plants
Ranked #7 out of 8 Alabama Wood/Wood Waste Solids Power Plants
Fuel Types Wood/Wood Waste Solids
Previous Operator Westervelt Renewable Energy LLC (2013 to 2013)
The Westervelt Co (2014 to 2023)

Map of Westervelt Moundville Cogen

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Monthly Net Generation for Westervelt Moundville Cogen

Westervelt Moundville Cogen Details

Summary Information
Plant NameWestervelt Moundville Cogen (57467)
Plant Address2500 Gulf States Pkwy, Moundville, AL 35474
UtilityThe Westervelt Co (56785)
Latitude, Longitude32.96071, -87.65542
Generation Dates on FileDec 2011 to Nov 2023
Initial Operation DateDecember 2011
Annual Generation 32.7 GWh
Fuel Types Wood/Wood Waste Solids
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Information
FERC Cogeneration StatusNo
FERC Small Power Producer StatusYes
FERC Small Power Producer Docket NumberQF10-528-000
FERC Exempt Wholesale Generator StatusNo
Regulatory Information
Regulatory StatusNon-Regulated
Balancing AuthoritySouthern Company Services, Inc. - Trans (SOCO)
NAICS CodeWood Product Manufacturing (321)
Sector Industrial CHP (7)
Water SourceMunicipality
Ash Impoundment No
Transmission / Distribution OwnerAlabama Power Co (195) AL
Grid Voltage 12.47 kV
Energy StorageNo

Westervelt Moundville Cogen Plant Owners

Owner NameAddressOwnership
We couldn't locate any owners for this plant

Power Plants with Similar Net Generation

Power plants with a similar annual net generation from Wood/Wood Waste Solids.

RankPlant NamePlant LocationAnnual Generation
#119Georges River EnergySearsmont, ME40.3 GWh
#120Packaging of America Tomahawk MillTomahawk, WI112.9 GWh
#121Evergreen BioPower LLCLyons, OR38.0 GWh
#122Longview FibreLongview, WA170.9 GWh
#123McKinley Paper Co. - Washington MillPort Angeles, WA36.2 GWh
#124Domtar Kingsport MillKingsport, TN133.9 GWh
#125NE Renewable Fitchburg, LLCWestminster, MA36.4 GWh
#126International Paper Vicksburg MillVicksburg, MS209.2 GWh
#127Sierra Pacific SonoraStandard, CA34.0 GWh
#128TES Filer City StationFiler City, MI230.2 GWh
#130Interstate Paper LLC RiceboroRiceboro, GA103.9 GWh
#131NE Renewable Springfield, LLCSpringfield, NH32.0 GWh
#132Northside Generating StationJacksonville, FL2.9 TWh
#133Pixelle Specialty Solutions LLC - Chillicothe FacilityChillicothe, OH207.4 GWh
#134French IslandLa Cross, WI61.2 GWh
#135Columbus MSColumbus, MS430.0 GWh
#136Woodland Pulp, LLCBaileyville, ME366.6 GWh
#137Finch PaperGlen Falls, NY124.9 GWh
#138HibbingHibbing, MN68.3 GWh
#139Stoltze CoGen1Columbia Falls, MT17.2 GWh

Nearby Power Plants

Below are closest 20 power plants surrounding Westervelt Moundville Cogen.

Plant NamePlant LocationAnnual GenerationDistance
ABC CokeTarrant, AL83.0 MWh66.4 mi
Bankhead DamNorthport, AL138.7 GWh38.5 mi
CaledoniaSteens, MS5.1 TWh59.3 mi
Central Alabama Generating StationBillingsley, AL4.2 TWh57.3 mi
Columbus MSColumbus, MS430.0 GWh54.1 mi
Georgia-Pacific Consr Prods LP-NaheolaPennington, AL315.4 GWh55.1 mi
Greene CountyDemopolis, AL1.5 TWh25.9 mi
Holt DamTuscaloosa, AL154.5 GWh23.6 mi
International Paper Riverdale MillSelma, AL462.7 GWh58.7 mi
James H Miller JrQuinton, AL18.6 TWh57.7 mi
Jones BluffSelma, AL267.2 GWh67.1 mi
Kemper CountyDe Kalb, MS3.4 GWh56.3 mi
Lay DamClanton, AL454.7 GWh65.9 mi
MeridianMeridian, MS434.0 MWh62.1 mi
Meridian IIMeridian, MS7.6 GWh60.7 mi
Meridian IIIMeridian, MS119.9 GWh62.7 mi
Millers FerryCamden, AL315.3 GWh61.2 mi
OE_MS6St.Artesia, MS201.0 GWh64.1 mi
Tenaska Lindsay Hill Generating StationBillingsley, AL1.8 TWh57.4 mi
WestRock Demopolis MillDemopolis, AL290.7 GWh39.7 mi