UC Riverside Lots 30 & 32

4015 Canyon Crest Dr., Riverside, CA 92507

Plant Summary Information

UC Riverside Lots 30 & 32 is ranked #352 out of 806 solar farms in California in terms of total annual net electricity generation.

UC Riverside Lots 30 & 32 generated 1.4 GWh during the 3-month period between September 2023 to December 2023.

Plant NameUC Riverside Lots 30 & 32
Utility NameMN8 Energy LLC
LocationRiverside County, CA
Initial Operation DateDecember 2017
Last Update Dec 2023
Annual Generation 7.0 GWh
Annual Consumption 24.8 k MMBtu
Ranked #7,057 out of 11,949 Power Plants Nationwide
Ranked #2,389 out of 5,739 Solar Power Plants Nationwide
Ranked #975 out of 1,577 California Power Plants
Ranked #352 out of 806 California Solar Power Plants
Fuel Types Solar
Previous Operators Solar Star California LXVI, LLC (2018 to 2019)
Goldman Sachs Renewable Power Group (2020 to 2020)
Goldman Sachs Renewable Power LLC (2021 to 2021)
MN8 Energy LLC (2022 to 2023)

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Monthly Net Generation for UC Riverside Lots 30 & 32

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UC Riverside Lots 30 & 32 Details

Summary Information
Plant NameUC Riverside Lots 30 & 32 (62016)
Plant Address4015 Canyon Crest Dr., Riverside, CA 92507
UtilityMN8 Energy LLC (61944)
Latitude, Longitude33.97036, -117.33099
Generation Dates on FileJan 2018 to Dec 2023
Initial Operation DateDecember 2017
Annual Generation 7.0 GWh
Fuel Types Solar
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Information
FERC Cogeneration StatusNo
FERC Small Power Producer StatusYes
FERC Small Power Producer Docket Number18-340
FERC Exempt Wholesale Generator StatusNo
Regulatory Information
Regulatory StatusNon-Regulated
Balancing AuthorityCalifornia Independent System Operator (CISO)
NAICS CodeUtilities (22)
Sector IPP Non-CHP (2)
Water Source
Ash Impoundment
Transmission / Distribution OwnerCity of Riverside - (CA) (16088) CA
Grid Voltage 12.47 kV
Energy StorageNo

Generator UCRIV Details Operating December 2017

TechnologySolar Photovoltaic
Prime MoverPhotovoltaic
OwnershipSingle Owner
Nameplate Capacity4 MW
Summer Capacity3.5 MW
Winter Capacity2 MW
Uprate/Derate Completed No
First Operation DateDecember 2017
Combined Heat & Power No
Sector NameIPP Non-CHP (2)
Energy SourceSolar
Multiple FuelsNo
Solar Details
Fixed TiltYes
Azimuth Angle180
Tilt Angle10
DC Net Capacity4.3 MW
Crystalline SiliconYes
Net Metering AgreementNo
Virtual Net Metering AgreementNo

UC Riverside Lots 30 & 32 Plant Owners

Owner NameAddressOwnership
We couldn't locate any owners for this plant

Power Plants with Similar Net Generation

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RankPlant NamePlant LocationAnnual Generation
#2379Heedeh SolarDelco, NC7.0 GWh
#2380Bruce A Henry Solar FarmGeorgetown, DE7.0 GWh
#2381Empire SolarFarmington, MN7.0 GWh
#2382Eagle SolarWarrenton, NC7.0 GWh
#2383CharlieJulian, NC7.0 GWh
#2384SEPV Imperial Dixieland WestImperial, CA7.0 GWh
#2385CES Agawam Tuckahoe Solar HybridAgawam, MA7.0 GWh
#2386Big Lake Holdco Solar CSGBig Lake, MN7.0 GWh
#2387Rice Lake Solar ArrayRice Lake, WI7.0 GWh
#2388Saint Albans SolarGeorgia, VT7.0 GWh
#2390Mass Midstate Solar 2Warren, MA7.0 GWh
#2391US-TOPCO (Soccer Center)Lancaster, CA7.0 GWh
#2392Corcoran CSGCorcoran, MN6.9 GWh
#2393Reid SolarRome, NY6.9 GWh
#2394Solten Plainville 6000, LLCPlainville, MA6.9 GWh
#2395Fiddler's Canyon #2Cedar City, UT6.9 GWh
#2396Hunt Road SolarAmesbury, MA6.9 GWh
#2397Norwich Solar and Energy Storage CSGNorwich, NY6.9 GWh
#2398Bradford SolarHaverhill, MA6.9 GWh
#2399Nash 64 FarmSpring Hope, NC6.9 GWh

Nearby Power Plants

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Plant NamePlant LocationAnnual GenerationDistance
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Century Generating FacilityColton, CA651.0 MWh6.4 mi
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Colton Solar Two, LLCColton, CA1.1 GWh5.3 mi
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ESCA-LL-COLTON, LLCColton, CA4.6 GWh5.1 mi
IGS SBD1Bloomington, CA5.0 GWh5.6 mi
IGS SBD2San Bernardino, CA4.2 GWh7.7 mi
Loma Linda University CogenLoma Linda, CA58.8 GWh7.3 mi
Park Meridian #1Riverside, CA2.4 GWh5.8 mi
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SB Water Reclamation Fuel CellSan Bernardino, CA9.5 GWh7.7 mi
Solar Photovoltaic Project #11Redlands, CA3.1 GWh8.9 mi
Solar Photovoltaic Project #28San Bernardino, CA1.9 GWh9.2 mi
Springs Generating StationRiverside, CA11.1 GWh3.5 mi
SSI West Riverside Landfill LLCRiverside, CA4.8 GWh2.6 mi
Tequesquite Landfill Solar PV ProjectRiverside, CA13.2 GWh3.1 mi