Threemile Canyon

71502 Threemile Canyon Road, Boardman, OR 97818

Plant Summary Information

Threemile Canyon is ranked #40 out of 49 wind farms in Oregon in terms of total annual net electricity generation.

Threemile Canyon generated 2.4 GWh during the 3-month period between September 2023 to December 2023.

Plant NameThreemile Canyon
Utility NameThreemile Canyon Wind I, LLC
LocationMorrow County, OR
Initial Operation DateJuly 2009
Last Update Dec 2023
Annual Generation 19.5 GWh
Annual Consumption 70.1 k MMBtu
Ranked #5,152 out of 11,949 Power Plants Nationwide
Ranked #1,075 out of 1,354 Wind Power Plants Nationwide
Ranked #136 out of 255 Oregon Power Plants
Ranked #40 out of 49 Oregon Wind Power Plants
Fuel Types Wind
Previous Operator Threemile Canyon Wind I (2013 to 2015)
Threemile Canyon Wind I, LLC (2016 to 2023)

Map of Threemile Canyon

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Monthly Net Generation for Threemile Canyon

Threemile Canyon Details

Summary Information
Plant NameThreemile Canyon (56933)
Plant Address71502 Threemile Canyon Road, Boardman, OR 97818
UtilityThreemile Canyon Wind I, LLC (56159)
Latitude, Longitude45.6758, -119.9375
Generation Dates on FileJul 2009 to Dec 2023
Initial Operation DateJuly 2009
Annual Generation 19.5 GWh
Fuel Types Wind
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Information
FERC Cogeneration StatusNo
FERC Small Power Producer StatusYes
FERC Small Power Producer Docket Number09-142-000
FERC Exempt Wholesale Generator StatusNo
Regulatory Information
Regulatory StatusNon-Regulated
Balancing AuthorityPacifiCorp - West (PACW)
NAICS CodeUtilities (22)
Sector IPP Non-CHP (2)
Water Source
Ash Impoundment No
Transmission / Distribution OwnerPacifiCorp (14354) OR
Grid Voltage 34.50 kV
Energy StorageNo

Generator 1 Details Operating July 2009

TechnologyOnshore Wind Turbine
Prime MoverWind Turbine, Onshore
OwnershipSingle Owner
RTO ISO Location Designation For Reporting Wholesale Sales DataDALREED_NODED
Nameplate Capacity9.9 MW
Summer Capacity9.9 MW
Winter Capacity9.9 MW
Minimum Load0.2 MW
Uprate/Derate Completed No
First Operation DateJuly 2009
Combined Heat & Power No
Sector NameIPP Non-CHP (2)
Energy SourceWind
Turbines/Hydrokinetic Buoys6
Multiple FuelsNo
Turbine Details
Number Of Turbines6
Predominant Turbine ManufacturerVestas
Predominant Turbine Model NumberV82-1.65
Design Wind Speed12.6 MPH
Wind Quality Class2 - Medium Wind
Turbine Hub Height Feet262.4

Threemile Canyon Plant Owners

Owner NameAddressOwnership
We couldn't locate any owners for this plant

Power Plants with Similar Net Generation

Power plants with a similar annual net generation from Wind.

RankPlant NamePlant LocationAnnual Generation
#1065CED Manchester WindManchester, IA22.8 GWh
#1066Schumann Wind FarmMilton-Freewater, OR22.2 GWh
#1067Buffalo Bear LLCWoodward, OK21.8 GWh
#1068Oregon Trail Windfarm LLCEcho, OR21.2 GWh
#1069Timbermill Wind, LLCEdenton, NC21.1 GWh
#1070EDF Renewable Windfarm V IncBirds Landing, CA21.0 GWh
#1071Jericho PowerBerlin, NH20.7 GWh
#1072Valley View Transmission LLCChandler, MN20.3 GWh
#1073Galactic WindWaunakee, WI20.3 GWh
#1074Eastridge Wind ProjectPorter, MN20.0 GWh
#1076Jersey-Atlantic Wind FarmAtlantic City, NJ19.4 GWh
#1077Musselshell Wind ProjectShawmut, MT19.3 GWh
#1078Sand Ranch Windfarm LLCEcho, OR19.2 GWh
#1079Cassia WindHagerman, ID18.9 GWh
#1080Ocotillo WindpowerForsan, TX18.4 GWh
#1081Rock County Wind Fuel, LLCLuverne, MN18.3 GWh
#1082Foundation Dole Fresh VegetablesSoledad, CA18.1 GWh
#1083Anderson Wind IHagerman, NM17.6 GWh
#1084Four Mile Canyon Windfarm LLCEcho, OR17.3 GWh
#1085Four Corners Windfarm LLCEcho, OR17.0 GWh

Nearby Power Plants

Below are closest 20 power plants surrounding Threemile Canyon.

Plant NamePlant LocationAnnual GenerationDistance
Arlington Wind Power ProjectArlington, OR177.8 GWh13 mi
Carty Generating StationBoardman, OR3.1 TWh6.2 mi
Coyote SpringsBoardman, OR2.0 TWh17.4 mi
Coyote Springs IIBoardman, OR2.3 TWh17.4 mi
Finley Buttes Landfill GasBoardman, OR32.4 GWh15.8 mi
Horseshoe Bend Wind LLCArlington, OR608.6 GWh7.1 mi
Leaning JuniperArlington, OR254.7 GWh13.2 mi
Leaning Juniper Wind Power IIArlington, OR378.1 GWh15.7 mi
Montague SolarArlington, OR313.1 GWh15 mi
Montague Wind Power Facility LLCArlington, OR524.1 GWh9.7 mi
North Hurlburt Wind LLCArlington, OR619.3 GWh8 mi
Pebble Springs Wind LLCWasco, OR190.5 GWh9.4 mi
South Hurlburt Wind LLCArlington, OR619.5 GWh7.2 mi
Threemile DigesterBoardman, OR37.6 GWh2.9 mi
Waste Management Columbia Ridge LFGTEArlington, OR70.5 GWh18.7 mi
Wheat Field Wind Power ProjectArlington, OR190.8 GWh18.4 mi
Wheatridge 1Lexington, OR299.3 GWh16.7 mi
Wheatridge HybridMorrow, OR738.2 GWh16.7 mi
White Creek Wind FarmRoosevelt, WA446.8 GWh21.8 mi
Willow Creek Energy CenterLone, OR140.0 GWh3 mi