Smith (NH)

Glen Ave., Berlin, NH 3570

Plant Summary Information

Smith (NH) is ranked #10 out of 56 power plants in New Hampshire in terms of total annual net electricity generation.

Smith (NH) is comprised of 1 generator and generated 28.5 GWh during the 3-month period between September 2023 to December 2023.

Plant NameSmith (NH)
Utility NameCentral Rivers Power NH, LLC
LocationCoos County, NH
Initial Operation DateAugust 1948
Last Update Dec 2023
Annual Generation 122.7 GWh
Annual Consumption 454.0 k MMBtu
Ranked #2,973 out of 11,949 Power Plants Nationwide
Ranked #309 out of 1,370 Water Power Plants Nationwide
Ranked #10 out of 56 New Hampshire Power Plants
Ranked #4 out of 32 New Hampshire Water Power Plants
Fuel Types Water
Previous Operator Public Service Co of NH (2013 to 2017)
Central Rivers Power NH, LLC (2018 to 2023)

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Monthly Net Generation for Smith (NH)

Smith (NH) Details

Summary Information
Plant NameSmith (NH) (2368)
Plant AddressGlen Ave., Berlin, NH 3570
UtilityCentral Rivers Power NH, LLC (62775)
Latitude, Longitude44.46946, -71.17806
Generation Dates on FileJan 2001 to Dec 2023
Initial Operation DateAugust 1948
Annual Generation 122.7 GWh
Fuel Types Water
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Information
FERC Cogeneration StatusNo
FERC Small Power Producer StatusNo
FERC Exempt Wholesale Generator StatusNo
Regulatory Information
Regulatory StatusNon-Regulated
Balancing AuthorityISO New England Inc. (ISNE)
NAICS CodeUtilities (22)
Sector IPP Non-CHP (2)
Water SourceAndroscoggin River
Ash Impoundment No
Transmission / Distribution OwnerPublic Service Co of NH (15472) NH
Grid Voltage 115.00 kV
Energy StorageNo

Generator 1 Details Operating August 1948

TechnologyConventional Hydroelectric
Prime MoverHydroelectric Turbine
OwnershipSingle Owner
RTO ISO LMP Node Designation4002 Z_NewHampshire
Nameplate Capacity15 MW
Nameplate Power Factor0.8
Summer Capacity11.7 MW
Winter Capacity15.2 MW
Minimum Load3 MW
Uprate/Derate Completed No
First Operation DateAugust 1948
Combined Heat & Power No
Sector NameIPP Non-CHP (2)
Energy SourceWater
Time From Cold Shutdown To Full Load10M

Smith (NH) Plant Owners

Owner NameAddressOwnership
We couldn't locate any owners for this plant

Power Plants with Similar Net Generation

Power plants with a similar annual net generation from Water.

RankPlant NamePlant LocationAnnual Generation
#299HarrimanWhitingham, VT125.9 GWh
#300TullochJamestown, CA124.9 GWh
#301Tuckertown HydroNew London, NC124.6 GWh
#302Sand Bar Power PlantStanislaus Ntl. Fores, CA124.3 GWh
#303Falls HydroBadin, NC124.1 GWh
#304ColumbusColumbus, NE123.8 GWh
#305Ellis HydroVan Buren, AR123.8 GWh
#306MarkhamLocust Grove, OK123.5 GWh
#307Brunswick HydroBrunswick, ME123.4 GWh
#308CrystalMontrose, CO122.7 GWh
#310CrestaStorrie, CA121.7 GWh
#311Anderson RanchMountain Home, ID121.6 GWh
#312Black EagleGreat Falls, MT121.5 GWh
#313Jim FallsJim Falls, WI120.5 GWh
#314Sinclair DamMilledgeville, GA120.2 GWh
#315Tyee Lake Hydroelectric FacilityWrangell, AK119.1 GWh
#316Yates DamTallassee, AL118.8 GWh
#317Main Canal HeadworksCoulee City, WA118.7 GWh
#318Rainbow Falls HydroParishville, NY118.6 GWh
#319Lemolo 2Toketee Falls, OR118.5 GWh

Nearby Power Plants

Below are closest 20 power plants surrounding Smith (NH).

Plant NamePlant LocationAnnual GenerationDistance
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FryeburgFryeburg, ME5.7 GWh32.8 mi
Gilman MillGilman, VT28.1 GWh27.2 mi
GorhamGorham, NH12.1 GWh4.3 mi
Granite Reliable PowerDummer, NH189.1 GWh17.2 mi
GSPP Gilman, LLCLunenburg, VT3.1 GWh26.7 mi
Jericho PowerBerlin, NH20.7 GWh2.3 mi
Lost NationGroveton, NH428.0 MWh17.8 mi
Mainely Solar (Wyman Hill Solar LLC)Rumford, ME3.9 GWh32.7 mi
NE Renewable Whitefield, LLCWhitefield, NH13.0 GWh19.7 mi
Pontook Hydro FacilityDummer, NH57.8 GWh11.8 mi
Record Hill WindRoxbury, ME110.9 GWh29.4 mi
RoxWindRoxbury, ME10.4 GWh29.4 mi
Rumford CogenerationRumford, ME415.9 GWh31.9 mi
Rumford Falls Hydro FacilityRumford, ME290.2 GWh27.6 mi
Rumford Power LLCRumford, ME403.4 GWh32.6 mi
Spruce Mountain WIndBryant Pond, ME52.9 GWh30.7 mi