
4780 Jefferson Ave W., Trenton, MI 48183

Plant Summary Information

Slocum is ranked #14 out of 27 distillate fuel oil power plants in Michigan in terms of total annual net electricity generation.

Slocum generated 35.3 MWh during the 3-month period between August 2023 to November 2023.

Plant NameSlocum
Utility NameDTE Electric Company
LocationWayne County, MI
Initial Operation DateNovember 1968
Last Update Nov 2023
Annual Generation 96.3 MWh
Annual Consumption 4.4 k MMBtu
Ranked #11,534 out of 11,949 Power Plants Nationwide
Ranked #760 out of 1,264 Distillate Fuel Oil Power Plants Nationwide
Ranked #245 out of 257 Michigan Power Plants
Ranked #14 out of 27 Michigan Distillate Fuel Oil Power Plants
Fuel Types Distillate Fuel Oil

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Monthly Net Generation for Slocum

Slocum Details

Summary Information
Plant NameSlocum (1741)
Plant Address4780 Jefferson Ave W., Trenton, MI 48183
UtilityDTE Electric Company (5109)
Latitude, Longitude42.1225, -83.185
Generation Dates on FileJan 2001 to Nov 2023
Initial Operation DateNovember 1968
Annual Generation 96.3 MWh
Fuel Types Distillate Fuel Oil
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Information
FERC Cogeneration StatusNo
FERC Small Power Producer StatusNo
FERC Exempt Wholesale Generator StatusNo
Regulatory Information
Regulatory StatusRegulated
Balancing AuthorityMidcontinent Independent Transmission System Operator, Inc.. (MISO)
NAICS CodeUtilities (22)
Sector Electric Utility (1)
Water Source
Ash Impoundment No
Transmission / Distribution OwnerDTE Electric Company (5109) MI
Grid Voltage 24.00 kV
Energy StorageNo

Slocum Plant Owners

Owner NameAddressOwnership
We couldn't locate any owners for this plant

Power Plants with Similar Net Generation

Power plants with a similar annual net generation from Distillate Fuel Oil.

RankPlant NamePlant LocationAnnual Generation
#750Delta PowerDelta Junction, AK103.0 MWh
#751Lee Combined Cycle PlantGoldsboro, NC6.5 TWh
#752Westchester County Medical CenterValhalla, NY102.0 MWh
#753Biomass to Energy Facility, KauaiKoloa, HI42.2 GWh
#754Prospect MunicipalProspect, OH100.0 MWh
#755Versailles PeakingVersailles, OH100.0 MWh
#756Perkasie PA BTMPerkasie, PA99.0 MWh
#757La PorteLa Porte City, IA98.0 MWh
#758Robbins LumberSearsmont, ME97.0 MWh
#759Augusta Electric Plant No 2Augusta, KS1.4 GWh
#761Lederle LaboratoriesPearl River, NY149.8 GWh
#762Thomson Reuters Campus Bldg A-DEagan, MN95.0 MWh
#763Hurricane City PowerHurricane, UT3.5 GWh
#764Grand MaraisGrand Marais, MN93.0 MWh
#765John Deere Dubuque WorksDubuque, IA92.0 MWh
#766CIP II/AR Bridgewater Holdings - NJCOEBridgewater, NJ26.6 GWh
#767Central Utility Plant at White OakSilver Spring, MD74.0 GWh
#768Cumberland (WI)Cumberland, WI143.0 MWh
#769DouglasDouglas, AZ90.0 MWh
#770MontezumaMontezuma, IA138.0 MWh

Nearby Power Plants

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Plant NamePlant LocationAnnual GenerationDistance
Corewell Health Dearborn CampusDearborn, MI30.0 MWh11.8 mi
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GRS Arbor HillsNorthville, MI184.0 MWh26.8 mi
IKEA Canton Rooftop PV SystemCanton, MI84.0 MWh18.7 mi
Monroe (MI)Monroe, MI13.1 TWh18 mi
Northeast (MI)Warren, MI1.8 GWh23.8 mi
O'Shea Solar FarmDetroit, MI2.9 GWh17.7 mi
Riverview Energy SystemsRiverview, MI28.3 GWh3.3 mi
SumpterBelleville, MI120.0 GWh18 mi
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University of MichiganAnn Arbor, MI220.8 GWh30.2 mi
Warner LambertAnn Arbor, MI23.2 GWh29.3 mi
WyandotteWyandotte, MI79.0 MWh6.3 mi