SJA Solar LLC-Solterra Monastery CSG
11 Alta Crest Rd, Spencer, MA 1562Plant Summary Information
SJA Solar LLC-Solterra Monastery CSG is ranked #24 out of 599 power plants in Massachusetts in terms of total annual net electricity generation.
SJA Solar LLC-Solterra Monastery CSG generated 18.8 GWh during the 3-month period between September 2023 to December 2023.
Plant Name | SJA Solar LLC-Solterra Monastery CSG |
Utility Name | SJA Solar, LLC |
Location | Worcester County, MA |
Initial Operation Date | December 2016 |
Last Update | Dec 2023 |
Annual Generation | 72.5 GWh |
Annual Consumption | 256.7 k MMBtu |
Ranked #3,546 out of 11,949 Power Plants Nationwide | |
Ranked #725 out of 5,739 Solar Power Plants Nationwide | |
Ranked #24 out of 599 Massachusetts Power Plants | |
Ranked #1 out of 487 Massachusetts Solar Power Plants | |
Fuel Types | Solar |
Map of SJA Solar LLC-Solterra Monastery CSG
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Monthly Net Generation for SJA Solar LLC-Solterra Monastery CSG
SJA Solar LLC-Solterra Monastery CSG Details
Summary Information | |
Plant Name | SJA Solar LLC-Solterra Monastery CSG (60391) |
Plant Address | 11 Alta Crest Rd, Spencer, MA 1562 |
Utility | SJA Solar, LLC (60189) |
Latitude, Longitude | 42.28344, -72.00847 |
Generation Dates on File | Dec 2016 to Dec 2023 |
Initial Operation Date | December 2016 |
Annual Generation | 72.5 GWh |
Fuel Types | Solar |
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Information | |
FERC Cogeneration Status | No |
FERC Small Power Producer Status | No |
FERC Exempt Wholesale Generator Status | No |
Regulatory Information | |
Regulatory Status | Non-Regulated |
NERC Region | NPCC |
Balancing Authority | ISO New England Inc. (ISNE) |
NAICS Code | Utilities (22) |
Sector | IPP Non-CHP (2) |
Water Source | |
Ash Impoundment | |
Transmission / Distribution Owner | Massachusetts Electric Co (11804) MA |
Grid Voltage | 23.00 kV |
Energy Storage | No |
Generator SJAPV Details Operating December 2016
Technology | Solar Photovoltaic |
Prime Mover | Photovoltaic |
Ownership | Single Owner |
Nameplate Capacity | 14.7 MW |
Summer Capacity | 14.7 MW |
Winter Capacity | 14.7 MW |
Uprate/Derate Completed | No |
Status | Operating |
First Operation Date | December 2016 |
Combined Heat & Power | No |
Sector Name | IPP Non-CHP (2) |
Energy Source | Solar |
Solar Details | |
Fixed Tilt | Yes |
Azimuth Angle | 180 |
Tilt Angle | 20 |
DC Net Capacity | 20.1 MW |
Crystalline Silicon | Yes |
Net Metering Agreement | No |
Virtual Net Metering Agreement | Yes |
Virtual Net Metering DC Capacity | 20.1 MW |
SJA Solar LLC-Solterra Monastery CSG Plant Owners
Owner Name | Address | Ownership | |
We couldn't locate any owners for this plant |
Power Plants with Similar Net Generation
Power plants with a similar annual net generation from Solar.
Rank | Plant Name | Plant Location | Annual Generation |
#715 | Whitehorn Solar | Gretna, VA | 77.6 GWh |
#716 | Elm City Solar Facility | Elm City, NC | 77.3 GWh |
#717 | Broad River Solar, LLC | Mooresboro, NC | 77.3 GWh |
#718 | Lost Hills/Blackwell | Lost Hills, CA | 77.1 GWh |
#719 | Seabrook Solar | Seabrook, SC | 76.9 GWh |
#720 | Duane Arnold Solar I (50 MW) | Palo, IA | 76.2 GWh |
#721 | Virginia Line Solar, LLC | Manson, NC | 76.0 GWh |
#722 | San Isabel Solar, LLC | Trinidad, CO | 75.9 GWh |
#723 | Edwards Sanborn S4 | Mojave, CA | 72.4 GWh |
#724 | Roadrunner Solar | Santa Teresa, NM | 72.6 GWh |
#726 | Hoot Lake Solar | Fergus Falls, MN | 72.3 GWh |
#727 | San Luis Valley Solar Ranch | Mosca, CO | 71.8 GWh |
#728 | Alpaugh 50 | Alpaugh, CA | 71.7 GWh |
#729 | Eland Solar & Storage Center, Phase 1 Hybrid | Mojave, CA | 68.3 GWh |
#730 | Peony Solar | Springfield, SC | 71.1 GWh |
#731 | Lake Placid Solar Power Plant | Lake Placid, FL | 70.7 GWh |
#732 | Avalon Solar | Pima, AZ | 70.9 GWh |
#733 | Bluebell Solar | Sterling City, TX | 70.3 GWh |
#734 | SR Bell Buckle | Shelbyville, TN | 69.5 GWh |
#735 | Robin Hollow Solar | West Greenwich, RI | 68.7 GWh |
Nearby Power Plants
Below are closest 20 power plants surrounding SJA Solar LLC-Solterra Monastery CSG.
Plant Name | Plant Location | Annual Generation | Distance |
Antanavica Solar | Leicester, MA | 1.5 GWh | 3.8 mi |
Blair Wire Village Solar, LLC CSG | Spencer, MA | 1.7 GWh | 2.4 mi |
Brookfield Solar 2013 LLC | North Brookfield, MA | 2.0 GWh | 3.6 mi |
BWC Lake Lashaway, LLC Hybrid | North Brookfield, MA | 8.3 GWh | 3.8 mi |
Cycz Solar Project CSG Hybrid | Spencer, MA | 3.1 GWh | 4.8 mi |
East Brookfield Adams Road Solar LLC CSG | East Brookfield, MA | 7.4 GWh | 6.1 mi |
East Brookfield Main Street Solar LLC CSG | East Brookfield, MA | 1.6 GWh | 3.7 mi |
JH Solar, LLC CSG | North Brookfield, MA | 1.5 GWh | 5.5 mi |
Lane Ave Solar LLC | North Brookfield, MA | 2.0 GWh | 3.5 mi |
Ledeaux Solar, LLC CSG | North Brookfield, MA | 1.4 GWh | 5.7 mi |
North Brookfield | North Brookfield, MA | 4.1 GWh | 2.3 mi |
Old Wardour Solar | East Brookfield, MA | 6.9 GWh | 3.5 mi |
Pleasantdale Road Community Solar | Rutland, MA | 1.4 GWh | 2.9 mi |
Ryan Road Solar LLC Hybrid(CSG) | North Brookfield, MA | 8.2 GWh | 3.1 mi |
Spencer Solar MA | Spencer, MA | 2.8 GWh | 4.1 mi |
Upper Blackstone (MA) Treasure Valley | Rutland, MA | 6.9 GWh | 3.6 mi |
Vuelta Solar | East Brookfield, MA | 6.9 GWh | 3.5 mi |
Wilson Solar | Spencer, MA | 2.8 GWh | 2 mi |
Woodchuck Solar, LLC CSG | Spencer, MA | 1.6 GWh | 2.4 mi |
ZPD-PT Solar Project 2017-044 LLC CSG | Spencer, MA | 846.0 MWh | 0.4 mi |