Sand Drag LLC
36th Avenue, Avenal, CA 93204Plant Summary Information
Sand Drag LLC is ranked #219 out of 806 solar farms in California in terms of total annual net electricity generation.
Sand Drag LLC generated 6.8 GWh during the 3-month period between September 2023 to December 2023.
Plant Name | Sand Drag LLC |
Utility Name | Avenal Solar Holdings LLC |
Location | Kings County, CA |
Initial Operation Date | August 2011 |
Last Update | Dec 2023 |
Annual Generation | 33.4 GWh |
Annual Consumption | 119.0 k MMBtu |
Ranked #4,447 out of 11,949 Power Plants Nationwide | |
Ranked #996 out of 5,739 Solar Power Plants Nationwide | |
Ranked #593 out of 1,577 California Power Plants | |
Ranked #219 out of 806 California Solar Power Plants | |
Fuel Types | Solar |
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Monthly Net Generation for Sand Drag LLC
Sand Drag LLC Details
Summary Information | |
Plant Name | Sand Drag LLC (57361) |
Plant Address | 36th Avenue, Avenal, CA 93204 |
Utility | Avenal Solar Holdings LLC (56700) |
Latitude, Longitude | 35.98278, -120.11028 |
Generation Dates on File | Aug 2011 to Dec 2023 |
Initial Operation Date | August 2011 |
Annual Generation | 33.4 GWh |
Fuel Types | Solar |
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Information | |
FERC Cogeneration Status | No |
FERC Small Power Producer Status | No |
FERC Exempt Wholesale Generator Status | No |
Regulatory Information | |
Regulatory Status | Non-Regulated |
NERC Region | WECC |
Balancing Authority | California Independent System Operator (CISO) |
NAICS Code | Utilities (22) |
Sector | IPP Non-CHP (2) |
Water Source | |
Ash Impoundment | |
Transmission / Distribution Owner | Pacific Gas & Electric Co (14328) CA |
Grid Voltage | 70.00 kV |
Energy Storage | No |
Generator 1 Details Operating August 2011
Technology | Solar Photovoltaic |
Prime Mover | Photovoltaic |
Ownership | Single Owner |
Nameplate Capacity | 19 MW |
Summer Capacity | 19 MW |
Winter Capacity | 19 MW |
Uprate/Derate Completed | No |
Status | Operating |
First Operation Date | August 2011 |
Combined Heat & Power | No |
Sector Name | IPP Non-CHP (2) |
Energy Source | Solar |
Solid Fuel Gasification | No |
Carbon Capture Technology | No |
Multiple Fuels | No |
Solar Details | |
Single Axis Tracking | No |
Fixed Tilt | Yes |
Azimuth Angle | 180 |
Tilt Angle | 25 |
DC Net Capacity | 24 MW |
Crystalline Silicon | Yes |
Thin Film A Si | Yes |
Net Metering Agreement | No |
Virtual Net Metering Agreement | No |
Sand Drag LLC Plant Owners
Owner Name | Address | Ownership | We couldn't locate any owners for this plant |
Power Plants with Similar Net Generation
Power plants with a similar annual net generation from Solar.
Rank | Plant Name | Plant Location | Annual Generation |
#986 | RE Columbia Two, LLC | Mojave, CA | 34.2 GWh |
#987 | Sierra Solar Greenworks | Lancaster, CA | 33.9 GWh |
#988 | Cantua Solar Station | TBD, CA | 33.9 GWh |
#989 | SR Platte Solar Farm | Platteville, CO | 33.8 GWh |
#990 | Richland Solar Center | Jeffersonville, GA | 33.6 GWh |
#991 | Rochambeau Solar | Williamsburg, VA | 33.6 GWh |
#992 | Raptor Ridge | Tucson, AZ | 33.5 GWh |
#993 | DeSoto Next Generation Solar Energy | Arcadia, FL | 33.5 GWh |
#994 | Vaughn Creek PV1 | Murfreesboro, NC | 33.4 GWh |
#995 | Atwell Island | Alpaugh, CA | 33.4 GWh |
#997 | Nutmeg Solar | Enfield, CT | 33.4 GWh |
#998 | Halifax | Roanoke Rapids, NC | 33.3 GWh |
#999 | Badger 1 | Tonopah, AZ | 33.2 GWh |
#1000 | NY8 - Branscomb Solar | Schaghticoke, NY | 33.2 GWh |
#1001 | Mt. Jackson Solar | Mt. Jackson, VA | 32.9 GWh |
#1002 | Imperial Valley Solar Company 1 LLC | Niland, CA | 32.9 GWh |
#1003 | Sunflower Solar | Halifax, NC | 32.9 GWh |
#1004 | SEPV 8 | Twentynine Palms, CA | 32.8 GWh |
#1005 | Luke Solar | Glendale, AZ | 32.8 GWh |
#1006 | NVSS-II | Pahrump, NV | 32.7 GWh |
Nearby Power Plants
Below are closest 20 power plants surrounding Sand Drag LLC.
Plant Name | Plant Location | Annual Generation | Distance |
Almond | Lemoore, CA | 9.6 GWh | 19.4 mi |
Aquamarine | Lemoore, CA | 411.6 GWh | 18.4 mi |
Avenal Park | Avenal, CA | 10.6 GWh | 0.5 mi |
CDCR (CA) - Pleasant Valley State Prison | Coalinga, CA | 2.1 GWh | 12.4 mi |
CED Avenal | Avenal, CA | 8.6 GWh | 2.5 mi |
Chestnut | Lemoore, CA | 384.5 GWh | 16.8 mi |
Coalinga 25D Cogen | Coalinga, CA | 67.0 GWh | 20 mi |
Coalinga Cogeneration Facility | Coalinga, CA | 44.4 GWh | 19.2 mi |
DSH (CA) - Coalinga State Hospital | Coalinga, CA | 4.2 GWh | 12.3 mi |
Fifth Standard Solar PV, LLC (Hybrid) | Huron, CA | 321.3 GWh | 11.8 mi |
Gates Solar Station | Huron, CA | 37.5 GWh | 13.4 mi |
Huron Solar Station | Huron, CA | 31.3 GWh | 14.4 mi |
Kettleman Solar -Centaurus | Kettleman City, CA | 37.7 GWh | 10.2 mi |
Mustang Two | Lemoore, CA | 384.1 GWh | 20.1 mi |
Solar Blue | Lemoore, CA | 617.9 GWh | 17.5 mi |
Sun City Project LLC | Avenal, CA | 34.3 GWh | 0 mi |
West Gates Solar Station | Huron, CA | 20.2 GWh | 11.1 mi |
Westlands Solar PV Farm | Huron, CA | 37.8 GWh | 10.9 mi |
Westside Solar Power PV1 | Lemoore, CA | 4.6 GWh | 19.9 mi |
Wonderful Kings | Lost Hills, CA | 2.9 GWh | 20 mi |