Route 14A CDG Solar North and South LLC

4380 Route 14A, Geneva, NY 14456

Plant Summary Information

Route 14A CDG Solar North and South LLC is ranked #129 out of 453 solar farms in New York in terms of total annual net electricity generation.

Route 14A CDG Solar North and South LLC generated 912.0 MWh during the 3-month period between September 2023 to December 2023.

Plant NameRoute 14A CDG Solar North and South LLC
Utility NameRoute 14A CDG Solar North and South, LLC
LocationOntario County, NY
Initial Operation DateDecember 2018
Last Update Dec 2023
Annual Generation 6.3 GWh
Annual Consumption 22.6 k MMBtu
Ranked #7,263 out of 11,949 Power Plants Nationwide
Ranked #2,535 out of 5,739 Solar Power Plants Nationwide
Ranked #421 out of 833 New York Power Plants
Ranked #129 out of 453 New York Solar Power Plants
Fuel Types Solar

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Monthly Net Generation for Route 14A CDG Solar North and South LLC

Route 14A CDG Solar North and South LLC Details

Summary Information
Plant NameRoute 14A CDG Solar North and South LLC (62580)
Plant Address4380 Route 14A, Geneva, NY 14456
UtilityRoute 14A CDG Solar North and South, LLC (62071)
Latitude, Longitude42.81509, -77.04613
Generation Dates on FileJan 2019 to Dec 2023
Initial Operation DateDecember 2018
Annual Generation 6.3 GWh
Fuel Types Solar
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Information
FERC Cogeneration StatusNo
FERC Small Power Producer StatusYes
FERC Small Power Producer Docket NumberQF19-118-000, QF19-119-000
FERC Exempt Wholesale Generator StatusNo
Regulatory Information
Regulatory StatusNon-Regulated
Balancing AuthorityNew York Independent System Operator (NYIS)
NAICS CodeUtilities (22)
Sector IPP Non-CHP (2)
Water Source
Ash Impoundment
Transmission / Distribution OwnerNew York State Elec & Gas Corp (13511) NY
Grid Voltage 34.50 kV
Energy StorageNo

Generator 6081 Details Operating December 2018

TechnologySolar Photovoltaic
Prime MoverPhotovoltaic
OwnershipSingle Owner
Nameplate Capacity4 MW
Summer Capacity4 MW
Winter Capacity3.3 MW
Uprate/Derate Completed No
First Operation DateDecember 2018
Combined Heat & Power No
Sector NameIPP Non-CHP (2)
Energy SourceSolar
Solar Details
Fixed TiltYes
Azimuth Angle180
Tilt Angle25
DC Net Capacity5.2 MW
Crystalline SiliconYes
Net Metering AgreementNo
Virtual Net Metering AgreementYes
Virtual Net Metering DC Capacity5.2 MW

Route 14A CDG Solar North and South LLC Plant Owners

Owner NameAddressOwnership
We couldn't locate any owners for this plant

Power Plants with Similar Net Generation

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RankPlant NamePlant LocationAnnual Generation
#2525Hecate Energy Blair Road LLCJacksonville, FL6.4 GWh
#2526Off Airport Road - WestAccord, NY6.3 GWh
#2527Yadkinville SolarYadkinville, NC6.3 GWh
#2528CGSun, LLC Community SolarCottage Grove, MN6.3 GWh
#2529Saluda Solar IISaluda, SC6.3 GWh
#2530CalRenew-1Mendota, CA6.3 GWh
#2531Buckeye Union HS District 201Buckeye, AZ6.3 GWh
#2532Green Beanworks D PVPalmdale, CA6.3 GWh
#2533Scotch Bonnet Solar, LLCSt Helena, NC6.3 GWh
#2534Energix Aditya, LLCMineral, VA6.3 GWh
#2536Morgan Solar CenterOntario, OR6.3 GWh
#2537Lewiston Junction Road SolarPoland, ME6.3 GWh
#2538Warrenton FarmWarrenton, NC6.3 GWh
#2539Judd Road SolarOriskany, NY6.3 GWh
#2540Kokomo Solar 1, LLCKokomo, IN6.3 GWh
#2541Broadway 2 - Tucson Phase IITucson, AZ6.3 GWh
#25426140 Route 209 - NorthKerhonkson, NY6.3 GWh
#2543CrownLancaster, SC6.2 GWh
#2544Green Beanworks B PVLancaster, CA6.2 GWh
#2545KDC Solar ASGMBridgeton, NJ6.2 GWh

Nearby Power Plants

Below are closest 20 power plants surrounding Route 14A CDG Solar North and South LLC.

Plant NamePlant LocationAnnual GenerationDistance
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