John B Rich Memorial Power Station

81 Eleanor Avenue, Frackville, PA 17931

Plant Summary Information

John B Rich Memorial Power Station is ranked #4 out of 14 coal plants nationwide in terms of total annual net electricity generation.

John B Rich Memorial Power Station is comprised of 1 generator and generated 165.2 GWh during the 3-month period between September 2023 to December 2023.

Plant NameJohn B Rich Memorial Power Station
Utility NameGilberton Power Co
LocationSchuylkill County, PA
Initial Operation DateFebruary 1988
Last Update Dec 2023
Annual Generation 624.1 GWh
Annual Consumption 9.8 M MMBtu
Ranked #1,070 out of 11,949 Power Plants Nationwide
Ranked #4 out of 14 Waste/Other Coal Power Plants Nationwide
Ranked #42 out of 231 Pennsylvania Power Plants
Ranked #4 out of 10 Pennsylvania Waste/Other Coal Power Plants
Fuel Types Waste/Other Coal : 99.7%

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Monthly Net Generation for John B Rich Memorial Power Station

John B Rich Memorial Power Station Details

Summary Information
Plant NameJohn B Rich Memorial Power Station (10113)
Plant Address81 Eleanor Avenue, Frackville, PA 17931
UtilityGilberton Power Co (7199)
Latitude, Longitude40.7903, -76.1983
Generation Dates on FileJan 2001 to Dec 2023
Initial Operation DateFebruary 1988
Annual Generation 624.1 GWh
Fuel Types Waste/Other Coal : 99.7%
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Information
FERC Cogeneration StatusYes
FERC Cogeneration Docket Number83-425-013
FERC Small Power Producer StatusNo
FERC Exempt Wholesale Generator StatusNo
Regulatory Information
Regulatory StatusNon-Regulated
Balancing AuthorityPJM Interconnection, LLC (PJM)
NAICS CodeUtilities (22)
Sector IPP CHP (3)
Water SourceMine Shaft
Ash Impoundment No
Transmission / Distribution OwnerPPL Electric Utilities Corp (14715) PA
Grid Voltage 69.00 kV
Energy StorageNo

Generator GEN1 Details Operating February 1988

TechnologyConventional Steam Coal
Prime MoverSteam Turbine
OwnershipSingle Owner
RTO ISO LMP Node Designation50600
RTO ISO Location Designation For Reporting Wholesale Sales Data50600
Nameplate Capacity88.4 MW
Nameplate Power Factor0.85
Summer Capacity80 MW
Winter Capacity80 MW
Minimum Load50 MW
Uprate/Derate Completed No
First Operation DateFebruary 1988
Combined Heat & Power Yes
Sector NameIPP CHP (3)
Topping Or BottomingT
Energy SourceWaste/Other Coal / Distillate Fuel Oil
Startup SourceDistillate Fuel Oil
Solid Fuel Gasification No
Carbon Capture TechnologyNo
Time From Cold Shutdown To Full LoadOVER
Fluidized Bed TechnologyYes
Subcritical TechnologyYes
Multiple FuelsYes
Cofire FuelsNo
Switch Between Oil And Natural GasNo

John B Rich Memorial Power Station Plant Owners

Owner NameAddressOwnership
We couldn't locate any owners for this plant

Power Plants with Similar Net Generation

Power plants with a similar annual net generation from Waste/Other Coal.

RankPlant NamePlant LocationAnnual Generation
#1Seward (PA)New Florence, PA2.1 TWh
#2Colver Green EnergyColver, PA702.3 GWh
#3St Nicholas Cogen ProjectShenandoah, PA639.8 GWh
#5Grant Town Power PlantGrant Town, WV598.7 GWh
#6Northampton Generating Company LPNorthampton, PA494.6 GWh
#7Panther Creek Energy FacilityNesquehoning, PA476.5 GWh
#8Sunnyside Cogen AssociatesSunnyside, UT334.7 GWh
#9Colstrip Energy LPColstrip, MT306.2 GWh
#10Scrubgrass Reclamation CO. LP.Kennerdell, PA287.6 GWh
#11Ebensburg PowerEbensburg, PA285.1 GWh
#12Westwood Generation LLCTremont, PA156.3 GWh
#13Foster Wheeler Mt Carmel CogenMarion Heights, PA103.7 GWh
#14HealyHealy, AK421.3 GWh

Nearby Power Plants

Below are closest 20 power plants surrounding John B Rich Memorial Power Station.

Plant NamePlant LocationAnnual GenerationDistance
Broad MountainSchuylkill, PA38.0 GWh12.7 mi
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HazeltonHazelton, PA12.1 GWh12.6 mi
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Locust RidgeMahanoy City, PA54.5 GWh5.7 mi
Locust Ridge II LLCShenandoah, PA187.8 GWh4.2 mi
Masser Farms Realty SolarSacramento, PA754.0 MWh23.7 mi
Moxie Freedom Generation PlantSalem Township, PA7.9 TWh22.4 mi
Ontelaunee Energy CenterReading, PA3.6 TWh28.9 mi
PA Solar ParkNesquehoning, PA12.3 GWh18.7 mi
PA Solar Park IINesquehoning, PA12.3 GWh19 mi
Panther Creek Energy FacilityNesquehoning, PA476.5 GWh17.3 mi
Pine GrovePine Grove, PA22.0 MWh19.1 mi
Romark PA SolarHazle Township, PA1.7 GWh13.1 mi
Schuylkill Haven PA BTMSchuylkill Haven, PA124.0 MWh11.1 mi
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TalenEnergy SusquehannaBerwick, PA19.7 TWh21 mi
Temple Solar ArraysReading, PA2.9 GWh29.1 mi
Weatherly(PA) RTO BTMWeatherly, PA42.0 MWh22.2 mi
Westwood Generation LLCTremont, PA156.3 GWh17.7 mi