Detroit Lakes

P O Box 647, Detroit Lakes, MN 56501

Plant Summary Information

Detroit Lakes is ranked #40 out of 75 distillate fuel oil power plants in Minnesota in terms of total annual net electricity generation.

Detroit Lakes is comprised of 1 generator and generated 10.6 MWh during the 3-month period between September 2023 to December 2023.

Plant NameDetroit Lakes
Utility NameCity of Detroit Lakes - (MN)
LocationBecker County, MN
Initial Operation DateJuly 1968
Last Update Dec 2023
Annual Generation 50.0 MWh
Annual Consumption 966 MMBtu
Ranked #11,658 out of 11,949 Power Plants Nationwide
Ranked #893 out of 1,264 Distillate Fuel Oil Power Plants Nationwide
Ranked #712 out of 739 Minnesota Power Plants
Ranked #40 out of 75 Minnesota Distillate Fuel Oil Power Plants
Fuel Types Distillate Fuel Oil

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Monthly Net Generation for Detroit Lakes

Detroit Lakes Details

Summary Information
Plant NameDetroit Lakes (1970)
Plant AddressP O Box 647, Detroit Lakes, MN 56501
UtilityCity of Detroit Lakes - (MN) (5111)
Latitude, Longitude46.8175, -95.84333
Generation Dates on FileJan 2002 to Dec 2023
Initial Operation DateJuly 1968
Annual Generation 50.0 MWh
Fuel Types Distillate Fuel Oil
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Information
FERC Cogeneration StatusNo
FERC Small Power Producer StatusNo
FERC Exempt Wholesale Generator StatusNo
Regulatory Information
Regulatory StatusRegulated
Balancing AuthorityMidcontinent Independent Transmission System Operator, Inc.. (MISO)
NAICS CodeUtilities (22)
Sector Electric Utility (1)
Water Source
Ash Impoundment No
Transmission / Distribution OwnerCity of Detroit Lakes - (MN) (5111) MN
Grid Voltage 12.47 kV
Energy StorageNo

Generator 1 Details OA July 1968

TechnologyPetroleum Liquids
Prime MoverCombustion Turbine
OwnershipSingle Owner
RTO ISO LMP Node DesignationOTP.MRES
Nameplate Capacity12.5 MW
Nameplate Power Factor0.8
Summer Capacity9.6 MW
Winter Capacity10.6 MW
Minimum Load5 MW
Uprate/Derate Completed No
First Operation DateJuly 1968
Combined Heat & Power No
Sector NameElectric Utility (1)
Energy SourceDistillate Fuel Oil
Solid Fuel Gasification No
Time From Cold Shutdown To Full Load10M
Multiple FuelsNo

Detroit Lakes Plant Owners

Owner NameAddressOwnership
We couldn't locate any owners for this plant

Power Plants with Similar Net Generation

Power plants with a similar annual net generation from Distillate Fuel Oil.

RankPlant NamePlant LocationAnnual Generation
#883AOC, Capitol Power PlantWashington, DC49.4 GWh
#884Farmers Electric Cooperative - KalonaKalona, IA53.0 MWh
#885Earl F WisdomSpencer, IA5.7 GWh
#886Ft. PierreFort Pierre, SD52.9 MWh
#887A B BrownMount Vernon, IN49.7 GWh
#888BellevueBellevue, IA52.0 MWh
#889NY - Presbyt. Hospital - 525 E 68TH StNew York, NY48.1 GWh
#890Poplar Bluff Generating StationPoplar Bluff, MO579.0 MWh
#891Gillette SBMCBoston, MA60.4 GWh
#892West Group Data Center FEagan, MN50.0 MWh
#894PainesvillePainesville, OH749.0 MWh
#895Chester Generating StationChester, PA50.0 MWh
#896New LisbonNew Lisbon, WI50.0 MWh
#898Baconton Power PlantBaconton, GA36.2 GWh
#899MelroseMelrose, MN49.0 MWh
#900Mass Inst Tech Cntrl Utilities/Cogen PltCambridge, MA204.5 GWh
#901CaterpillarLafayette, IN23.0 GWh
#902Cedar HillsMaple Valley, WA454.0 MWh
#903Coit GTColumbia, SC400.0 MWh

Nearby Power Plants

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HillsboroHillsboro, ND15.0 MWh69.9 mi
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Kindred SchoolKindred, ND130.0 MWh56.4 mi
Lake Region Community Hybrid, LLCRothsay, MN7.4 GWh26.2 mi
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Novel OYA of Osakis CSGOsakis, MN8.6 GWh74.6 mi
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Solway CTSolway, MN163.4 GWh60.4 mi
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USS Horne North Solar LLC CSGFelton, MN2.0 GWh33.2 mi
USS Horne South Solar LLC CSGFelton, MN2.2 GWh33.6 mi
USS JJ Clay Solar LLC CSGFelton, MN1.9 GWh34.3 mi
USS KVPV Solar LLC CSGFulton, MN2.1 GWh33.1 mi