CBS Studio Center

4024 Radford Ave, Los Angeles, CA 91604

Plant Summary Information

CBS Studio Center is ranked #268 out of 346 natural gas power plants in California in terms of total annual net electricity generation.

CBS Studio Center generated 1.8 GWh during the 3-month period between May 2023 to August 2023.

Plant NameCBS Studio Center
Utility NameCrestmark Bank
LocationLos Angeles County, CA
Initial Operation DateJune 2013
Last Update Aug 2023
Annual Generation 6.5 GWh
Annual Consumption 63.5 k MMBtu
Ranked #7,202 out of 11,949 Power Plants Nationwide
Ranked #1,696 out of 2,254 Natural Gas Power Plants Nationwide
Ranked #1,004 out of 1,577 California Power Plants
Ranked #268 out of 346 California Natural Gas Power Plants
Fuel Types Natural Gas
Previous Operator ClearEdge Power (2013 to 2013)
Crestmark Bank (2014 to 2023)

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Monthly Net Generation for CBS Studio Center

CBS Studio Center Details

Summary Information
Plant NameCBS Studio Center (58440)
Plant Address4024 Radford Ave, Los Angeles, CA 91604
UtilityCrestmark Bank (59413)
Latitude, Longitude34.145, -118.39083
Generation Dates on FileJun 2013 to Aug 2023
Initial Operation DateJune 2013
Annual Generation 6.5 GWh
Fuel Types Natural Gas
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Information
FERC Cogeneration StatusNo
FERC Small Power Producer StatusNo
FERC Exempt Wholesale Generator StatusNo
Regulatory Information
Regulatory StatusNon-Regulated
Balancing AuthorityLos Angeles Department of Water and Power (LDWP)
NAICS CodeMotion Picture and Sound Recording Industries (512)
Sector Commercial Non-CHP (4)
Water Source
Ash Impoundment
Transmission / Distribution OwnerLos Angeles Department of Water & Power (11208) CA
Grid Voltage 4.80 kV
Energy StorageNo
Natural Gas Information
Natural Gas StorageNo

CBS Studio Center Plant Owners

Owner NameAddressOwnership
We couldn't locate any owners for this plant

Power Plants with Similar Net Generation

Power plants with a similar annual net generation from Natural Gas.

RankPlant NamePlant LocationAnnual Generation
#1686Georgia LFG Oak Grove PlantWinder, GA38.4 GWh
#1687HEBHoustonDistributionCenterHouston, TX6.8 GWh
#1688POET Biorefining - ChancellorChancellor, SD23.4 GWh
#1689Combustion Turbine Project No 2Lodi, CA6.6 GWh
#1690ATT North WatneyFairfield, CA6.6 GWh
#1691CBS Television CityLos Angeles, CA7.7 GWh
#1692MaximSan Jose, CA6.6 GWh
#1693Xilinx San JoseSan Jose, CA6.5 GWh
#1694AT&T - San Diego Trade StreetSan Diego, CA6.5 GWh
#1695San Diego Community CollegeSan Diego, CA6.5 GWh
#1697Foster Wheeler Mt Carmel CogenMarion Heights, PA103.7 GWh
#1698Taylor Farms - Schilling PlaceSalinas, CA6.5 GWh
#1699South Oaks HospitalAmityville, NY6.4 GWh
#1700Indian River PlantTitusville, FL6.5 GWh
#1701WestRock (WA)Tacoma, WA196.3 GWh
#1702AGT000 Stevens Creek Fuel CellSanta Clara, CA6.3 GWh
#1703Palm Beach Renewable Energy Facility 2West Palm Beach, FL520.3 GWh
#1704University of San DiegoSan Diego, CA6.2 GWh
#1705Calumet Energy Team LLCChicago, IL6.2 GWh
#1706Robert A ReidRobards, KY6.1 GWh

Nearby Power Plants

Below are closest 20 power plants surrounding CBS Studio Center.

Plant NamePlant LocationAnnual GenerationDistance
8500 Balboa PV, LLCNorthridge, CA5.4 GWh8.3 mi
AeroleaseVan Nuys, CA1.9 GWh4.6 mi
ATT Van NyusVan Nuys, CA7.2 GWh4.8 mi
ATT Ventura BlvdSherman Oaks, CA7.3 GWh3.8 mi
CBS Television CityLos Angeles, CA7.7 GWh5.1 mi
CFW Solar X LLC - VaughnSan Fernando, CA1.0 GWh9.4 mi
Comcast - Universal CityUniversal City, CA7.8 GWh1.8 mi
CSU Northridge PlantNorthridge, CA819.0 MWh10.5 mi
Disney ProspectLos Angeles, CA7.6 GWh4.9 mi
GraysonGlendale, CA47.0 GWh6.5 mi
Kaiser - LALos Angeles, CA33.1 GWh6.3 mi
Lake OneBurbank, CA10.8 GWh4.9 mi
Magnolia Power ProjectBurbank, CA1.6 TWh4.9 mi
MM Lopez EnergyLake View Terrace, CA26.4 GWh10.2 mi
Occidental College Solar ProjectLos Angeles, CA1.6 GWh10.6 mi
Toyon Power StationLos Angeles, CA4.9 GWh4.9 mi
UCLA So Campus Cogen ProjectLos Angeles, CA187.5 GWh6.1 mi
VA Sepulveda Ambulatory Care CenterNorth Hills, CA4.7 GWh8.9 mi
Valley (CA)Sun Valley, CA1.5 TWh6.9 mi
Xebec 1Sun Valley, CA2.7 GWh5.5 mi