Broadway 3 - UCSB Lot 38

Stadium Rd. Lot 38, Santa Barbara, CA 93106

Plant Summary Information

Broadway 3 - UCSB Lot 38 is ranked #582 out of 806 solar farms in California in terms of total annual net electricity generation.

Broadway 3 - UCSB Lot 38 generated 549.0 MWh during the 3-month period between September 2023 to December 2023.

Plant NameBroadway 3 - UCSB Lot 38
Utility NameMN8 Energy LLC
LocationSanta Barbara County, CA
Initial Operation DateDecember 2016
Last Update Dec 2023
Annual Generation 2.5 GWh
Annual Consumption 9.2 k MMBtu
Ranked #9,466 out of 11,949 Power Plants Nationwide
Ranked #4,253 out of 5,739 Solar Power Plants Nationwide
Ranked #1,308 out of 1,577 California Power Plants
Ranked #582 out of 806 California Solar Power Plants
Fuel Types Solar
Previous Operator Goldman Sachs Renewable Power LLC (2021 to 2021)
MN8 Energy LLC (2022 to 2023)

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Monthly Net Generation for Broadway 3 - UCSB Lot 38

Broadway 3 - UCSB Lot 38 Details

Summary Information
Plant NameBroadway 3 - UCSB Lot 38 (65187)
Plant AddressStadium Rd. Lot 38, Santa Barbara, CA 93106
UtilityMN8 Energy LLC (61944)
Latitude, Longitude34.41974, -119.85637
Generation Dates on FileJan 2021 to Dec 2023
Initial Operation DateDecember 2016
Annual Generation 2.5 GWh
Fuel Types Solar
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Information
FERC Cogeneration StatusNo
FERC Small Power Producer StatusYes
FERC Small Power Producer Docket Number17-495
FERC Exempt Wholesale Generator StatusNo
Regulatory Information
Regulatory StatusNon-Regulated
Balancing AuthorityCalifornia Independent System Operator (CISO)
NAICS CodeUtilities (22)
Sector IPP Non-CHP (2)
Water Source
Ash Impoundment
Transmission / Distribution OwnerSouthern California Edison Co (17609) CA
Grid Voltage 12.00 kV
Energy StorageNo

Generator GEN1 Details Operating December 2016

TechnologySolar Photovoltaic
Prime MoverPhotovoltaic
OwnershipSingle Owner
Nameplate Capacity1.8 MW
Summer Capacity1 MW
Winter Capacity1 MW
Uprate/Derate Completed No
First Operation DateDecember 2016
Combined Heat & Power No
Sector NameIPP Non-CHP (2)
Energy SourceSolar
Solar Details
Fixed TiltYes
Azimuth Angle180
Tilt Angle10
DC Net Capacity1.9 MW
Crystalline SiliconYes
Net Metering AgreementNo
Virtual Net Metering AgreementNo

Broadway 3 - UCSB Lot 38 Plant Owners

Owner NameAddressOwnership
We couldn't locate any owners for this plant

Power Plants with Similar Net Generation

Power plants with a similar annual net generation from Solar.

RankPlant NamePlant LocationAnnual Generation
#4243CID Solar (CA)Corcoran, CA2.6 GWh
#4244Camden CSD Solar ArrayCamden, NY2.6 GWh
#4245Cedar Creek PVSeaford, NY2.6 GWh
#4246West Tennessee Solar FarmStanton, TN2.6 GWh
#4247ESA SelmaSelma, NC2.6 GWh
#42482097 Helton Solar ProjectMerced, CA2.6 GWh
#4249Royal Wine Corp Solar Power PlantBayonne, NJ2.6 GWh
#4250Jeffco Community Solar Gardens LLCArvada, CO2.5 GWh
#4251Washington Solar (SC)Mullins, SC2.5 GWh
#4252Dartmouth SolarDartmouth, MA2.5 GWh
#4254Acushnet-Braley Road 1Freetown, MA2.5 GWh
#4255Emmitsburg Solar ArraysEmmitsburg, MD2.5 GWh
#4256Cenergy - Wiscasset (CSG)Wiscasset, ME2.5 GWh
#4257West Greenwich SolarWest Greenwich, RI2.5 GWh
#425846 Meadowlands ParkwaySecaucus, NJ2.5 GWh
#4259IGS Solar I - BWI2Baltimore, MD2.5 GWh
#4260Skalbeck SolarSacred Heart, MN2.5 GWh
#4261Windsor Floating SolarWindsor, CA2.5 GWh
#4262WhittierOgden, NY2.5 GWh
#4263Fresno Sunnyside High School HybridFresno, CA2.5 GWh

Nearby Power Plants

Below are closest 20 power plants surrounding Broadway 3 - UCSB Lot 38.

Plant NamePlant LocationAnnual GenerationDistance
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CA-Ventura Co CCD-Oxnard College CanopyVentura, CA2.8 GWh43.6 mi
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CSUCI Site AuthorityCamarillo, CA2.6 GWh49.5 mi
Cuyama Solar, LLCCuyama, CA66.8 GWh36.4 mi
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EllwoodGoleta, CA3.8 GWh2.6 mi
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McGrath PeakerOxnard, CA11.4 GWh37.8 mi
Ormond BeachOxnard, CA39.3 GWh44.1 mi
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SEPV Cuyama HybridNew Cuyama, CA107.0 MWh36.9 mi
Springville HydroelectricCamarillo, CA363.0 MWh46 mi
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SunEdison Procter & Gamble OxnardOxnard, CA1.5 GWh43.9 mi
Tajiguas Resource Recovery ProjectGoleta, CA8.3 GWh15.8 mi
Vandenberg Solar ProjectVandenberg Airforce B, CA38.9 GWh43.6 mi