
18400 Bowman Lake Road, Nevada City, CA 95604

Plant Summary Information

Bowman is ranked #141 out of 221 hydroelectric power plants in California in terms of total annual net electricity generation.

Bowman is comprised of 1 generator and generated 2.6 GWh during the 3-month period between September 2023 to December 2023.

Plant NameBowman
Utility NameNevada Irrigation District
LocationNevada County, CA
Initial Operation DateSeptember 1986
Last Update Dec 2023
Annual Generation 15.3 GWh
Annual Consumption 54.6 k MMBtu
Ranked #5,450 out of 11,949 Power Plants Nationwide
Ranked #844 out of 1,370 Water Power Plants Nationwide
Ranked #757 out of 1,577 California Power Plants
Ranked #141 out of 221 California Water Power Plants
Fuel Types Water

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Monthly Net Generation for Bowman

Bowman Details

Summary Information
Plant NameBowman (50546)
Plant Address18400 Bowman Lake Road, Nevada City, CA 95604
UtilityNevada Irrigation District (13402)
Latitude, Longitude39.44835, -120.65342
Generation Dates on FileJan 2005 to Dec 2023
Initial Operation DateSeptember 1986
Annual Generation 15.3 GWh
Fuel Types Water
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Information
FERC Cogeneration StatusNo
FERC Small Power Producer StatusNo
FERC Exempt Wholesale Generator StatusNo
Regulatory Information
Regulatory StatusNon-Regulated
Balancing AuthorityCalifornia Independent System Operator (CISO)
NAICS CodeUtilities (22)
Sector IPP Non-CHP (2)
Water SourceBowman Lake
Ash Impoundment No
Transmission / Distribution OwnerPacific Gas & Electric Co (14328) CA
Grid Voltage 60.00 kV
Energy StorageNo

Generator GEN1 Details Operating September 1986

TechnologyConventional Hydroelectric
Prime MoverHydroelectric Turbine
OwnershipSingle Owner
Nameplate Capacity3.6 MW
Nameplate Power Factor0.99
Summer Capacity3.6 MW
Winter Capacity3.6 MW
Minimum Load0.1 MW
Uprate/Derate Completed No
First Operation DateSeptember 1986
Combined Heat & Power No
Sector NameIPP Non-CHP (2)
Energy SourceWater
Solid Fuel Gasification No
Carbon Capture TechnologyNo
Time From Cold Shutdown To Full Load1H
Multiple FuelsNo

Bowman Plant Owners

Owner NameAddressOwnership
We couldn't locate any owners for this plant

Power Plants with Similar Net Generation

Power plants with a similar annual net generation from Water.

RankPlant NamePlant LocationAnnual Generation
#834James R SmithMarquette, MI15.8 GWh
#835Tunnel 1 Power ProjectNyssa, OR15.8 GWh
#836Goat Lake HydroSkagway, AK15.8 GWh
#837Sissonville HydroPotsdam, NY15.7 GWh
#838Copper Dam PlantHood River, OR15.6 GWh
#839Peru (IL)City of Peru, IL15.8 GWh
#840Siphon Power ProjectBend, OR15.6 GWh
#841WaterportWaterport, NY15.6 GWh
#842Pembroke HydroSuncook, NH15.4 GWh
#843Buchanan (MI)Buchanan, MI15.3 GWh
#845Owyhee Dam Power ProjectNyssa, OR15.2 GWh
#846White River Lock and Dam 2Locust Grove, AR15.1 GWh
#847White River Lock and Dam 1Batesville, AR15.1 GWh
#848Rapide CrocheKaukana, WI15.0 GWh
#849Schoolfield DamDanville, VA15.0 GWh
#850Nooksack HydroGlacier, WA15.0 GWh
#851Unionville Hydro Project 2499 NYNorwood, NY14.9 GWh
#852Youngs Creek Hydroelectric ProjectMonroe, WA14.9 GWh
#853Eagle PointEagle Point, OR14.7 GWh
#854Manitou SpringsManitou Spring, CO14.6 GWh

Nearby Power Plants

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Drum 2Alta, CA271.0 GWh14.5 mi
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HaypressSierra City, CA22.1 GWh9 mi
Middle ForkForesthill, CA434.6 GWh29.4 mi
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Spaulding 2Emigrant Gap, CA7.3 GWh8.6 mi
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WoodleafForbestown, CA231.6 GWh30.2 mi