Paris Generation LP

301 Lake Crook RD Paris, TX 75460

Company Summary Information

Paris Generation LP is ranked #1,839 out of 4,863 utilities nationwide in terms of total annual net electricity generation, and they are ranked #632 out of 1,273 utilities in terms of total annual net electricity generation from natural gas.

Company NameParis Generation LP
Location301 Lake Crook RD Paris, TX 75460
EIA Utility TypeIndependent Power Producer
EIA Utility DatesJan 2001 to Nov 2023
EIA Annual Generation 74.2 GWh
EIA Power Plants1
Fuel Types Natural Gas
Ranked #1,839 out of 4,863 Utilities Nationwide by Annual Generation
Ranked #632 out of 1,273 Utilities Nationwide in terms of Natural Gas Generation

Map of Paris Generation LP Locations

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Monthly Electricity Generation by Type

Monthly electricity generation by source as reported by the EIA

Power Plants Operated by Paris Generation LP

PlantLocationAnnual GenerationInitial Operation DateLast UpdateFuel Types
Paris Energy CenterParis, Texas859 GWhJun 1989Nov 2023 Natural Gas

Other Companies Listed Alphabetically

A list of companies close to Paris Generation LP when arranged alphabetically. They do not neccessarily have any association with Paris Generation LP.

Company NameCompany LocationEIA Annual
FERC 2024 Q3
Panoche Energy Center, LLCNeedham, MA1.4 TWh$24.69M
Panoche Valley Solar LLCMenlo Park, CA-$10.44M
Panorama Wind, LLCDallas, TX-$2.34M
Pantex (NNSA)Amarillo, TX21.0 GWh-
Panther Creek Power Operating, LLCNesquehoning, PA515.4 GWh$884.97k
Par PetroleumHouston, TX215.4 GWh-
Paradise Solar Urban Renewal, LLCJuno Beach, FL8.0 GWh-
Paragould Light & Water COMMParagould, AR4.1 GWh$6.72M
Paramount Group IncNew York, NY1.4 GWh-
Paris Farm Solar, LLCRedwood City, CA602.4 GWh-
Park Power LLCBrooklyn, NY-$1.06M
Parkway Energy Storage LLCFramingham, MA-$392.62k
Parkway Generation Keys Energy Center LLCBirmingham, AL-$70.91M
Parkway Generation Operating LLCBirmingham, AL-$299.74M
Parkway Generation Sewaren Urban Renewal Entity LLCBirmingham, AL-$27.78M
Parrey, LLCRichmond, CA-$10.10M
Partin Solar, LLCCharleston, SC57.5 GWh$687.97k
Partridgeville Road Solar 1, LLCSan Francisco, CA5.7 GWh-
Pasadena Cogeneration LPPasadena, TX5.5 TWh-
Pasco CountyNew Port Richey, FL197.3 GWh-