Summary of Electricity Activity in Baker County, OR

Summary of Baker County, OR Generation

Baker County, OR is ranked #669 out of 2,117 U.S. counties nationwide and #11 out of 31 Oregon counties in terms of total annual net electricity generation.

Annual Generation 1.1 TWh
Annual Consumption 3.9 M MMBtu
Last UpdateDec 2023
Power Plants9
Companies on File8

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Overall National Rank

#669 /2,117 U.S. Counties

In Net Annual Generation

Overall State Rank

#11 /31 Oregon Counties

In Net Annual Generation

Overall Annual Net Geneneration

1.1 TWh

Total Annual Fuel Consumption

3.9 M MMBtu

Electric Companies in Baker County, OR


Baker County, OR
Power Plants


Annual Net Generation From hydroelectric power

900.1 GWh

National Rank in Terms of hydroelectric Net Electricity Generation

#50 /551 U.S. Counties

State Rank in Terms of hydroelectric Net Electricity Generation

#7 /17 Oregon Counties

Monthly Net Generation for Baker County, OR

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Net Generation by Fuel Source


Net Generation by Fuel Source Breakdown

State RankNational RankGenerationFuel Consumption
All#11 / 31#669 / 21171.07 TWh3.86 M MMBtu
Water#7 / 17#50 / 551900.05 GWh3.25 M MMBtu
Wind#6 / 6#386 / 516134.40 GWh482.55 k MMBtu
Solar#14 / 20#541 / 112335.60 GWh125.12 k MMBtu

Power Plants in Baker County, OR

PlantUtility NameGenerationConsumptionFuel Types
Oxbow (OR)Idaho Power Co900.1 GWh3.3 M MMBtu Water
Baker City SolarAdapture Renewables, Inc.29.5 GWh103.7 k MMBtu Solar
Willow Spring Windfarm (Burnt River)Willow Spring29.0 GWh103.8 k MMBtu Wind
Benson Creek Windfarm (Burnt River)Benson Creek26.8 GWh96.2 k MMBtu Wind
Jett Creek Windfarm (Burnt River)Jett Creek25.7 GWh92.3 k MMBtu Wind
Prospector Windfarm (Burnt River)Prospector25.2 GWh90.5 k MMBtu Wind
Durbin Creek Windfarm (Burnt River)Durbin Creek22.9 GWh82.5 k MMBtu Wind
Brush Solar CenterAdapture Renewables, Inc.6.1 GWh21.4 k MMBtu Solar
Lime WindLime Wind LLC4.8 GWh17.3 k MMBtu Wind

Electricity Generation for Neighboring Counties

National RankCountyNet Generation# Power Plants
#1806Adams County13.5 GWh1
#1572Canyon County53.2 GWh4
#1561Gem County56.9 GWh2
#1113Malheur County328.8 GWh14
#131Morrow County8.9 TWh20
#521Payette County1.8 TWh1
#68Umatilla County12.2 TWh17
#1128Union County312.3 GWh2
#529Wallowa County1.8 TWh2
#490Washington County2.1 TWh2

* Net Generation data is based on the last 12 months since Dec 2024

Electricity Generation for Cities Located in Baker County, OR

State RankCityNet Generation# Power Plants
#59Baker City, OR29.5 GWh1
#13Halfway, OR900.1 GWh1
#31Huntington, OR134.4 GWh6
#82Unity, OR6.1 GWh1

* Net Generation data is based on the last 12 months since Dec 2023