Summary of Electricity Activity in Claverack-Red Mills, NY

Summary of Claverack-Red Mills, NY Generation

Claverack-Red Mills, NY is ranked #3,735 out of 5,515 U.S. cities nationwide and #200 out of 352 New York cities in terms of total annual net electricity generation.

Annual Generation 1.8 GWh
Annual Consumption 38.4 k MMBtu
Last UpdateDec 2023
Power Plants2
Companies on File2
Power Plants in 50 Mile Radius 207
Power Plants in 100 Mile Radius 944

Map of Top Producing Plants in Claverack-Red Mills, NY

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Overall National Rank

#3,735 /5,515 U.S. Cities

In Net Annual Generation

Overall State Rank

#200 /352 New York Cities

In Net Annual Generation

Overall Annual Net Geneneration

11.3 GWh

Total Annual Fuel Consumption

38.4 k MMBtu

Electric Companies in Claverack-Red Mills, NY


Claverack-Red Mills, NY
Power Plants


Annual Net Generation From solar power

11.3 GWh

National Rank in Terms of solar Net Electricity Generation

#1,232 /2,663 U.S. Cities

State Rank in Terms of solar Net Electricity Generation

#64 /216 New York Cities

Net Generation by Fuel Source

Net Generation by Fuel Source Breakdown

State RankNational RankGenerationFuel Consumption
All#200 / 352#3735 / 551511.26 GWh38.41 k MMBtu
Solar#64 / 216#1232 / 266311.26 GWh38.41 k MMBtu

Monthly Net Generation for Claverack-Red Mills, NY

Power Plants in Claverack-Red Mills, NY

PlantUtility NameGenerationConsumptionFuel Types
ELP Claverack SolarELP Claverack Solar, LLC8.1 GWh27.5 k MMBtu Solar
ELP Livingston SolarELP Livingston Solar, LLC3.2 GWh10.9 k MMBtu Solar

Electricity Generation for Neighboring Cities

National RankCityNet Generation# Power Plants
#460Athens2.8 TWh2
#4739Cairo3.0 GWh2
#3391Coxsackie18.3 GWh4
#4420Ghent4.5 GWh1
#3605Hudson13.5 GWh2
#3205Kinderhook23.3 GWh1
#5138Leeds1.0 GWh1
#4061New Baltimore7.5 GWh1
#3911Saugerties9.2 GWh2
#3979Valatie8.5 GWh1

* Net Generation data is based on the last 12 months since Jun 2024