Summary of Electricity Activity in Waseca County, MN

Summary of Waseca County, MN Generation

Waseca County, MN is ranked #1,551 out of 2,117 U.S. counties nationwide and #43 out of 72 Minnesota counties in terms of total annual net electricity generation.

Annual Generation 59.3 GWh
Annual Consumption 206.1 k MMBtu
Last UpdateDec 2023
Power Plants21
Companies on File14

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Overall National Rank

#1,551 /2,117 U.S. Counties

In Net Annual Generation

Overall State Rank

#43 /72 Minnesota Counties

In Net Annual Generation

Overall Annual Net Geneneration

59.3 GWh

Total Annual Fuel Consumption

206.1 k MMBtu

Electric Companies in Waseca County, MN


Waseca County, MN
Power Plants


Annual Net Generation From solar power

59.3 GWh

National Rank in Terms of solar Net Electricity Generation

#452 /1,123 U.S. Counties

State Rank in Terms of solar Net Electricity Generation

#14 /51 Minnesota Counties

Monthly Net Generation for Waseca County, MN

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Net Generation by Fuel Source

Distillate Fuel Oil
Natural Gas

Net Generation by Fuel Source Breakdown

State RankNational RankGenerationFuel Consumption
All#43 / 72#1551 / 211759.32 GWh206.14 k MMBtu
Solar#14 / 51#452 / 112359.25 GWh205.54 k MMBtu
Distillate Fuel Oil#28 / 42#540 / 72964.55 MWh549 MMBtu
Natural Gas#29 / 29#917 / 9274.45 MWh46 MMBtu

Power Plants in Waseca County, MN

PlantUtility NameGenerationConsumptionFuel Types
Waseca SolarEnel Green Power NA, Inc.20.9 GWh72.4 k MMBtu Solar
WasecaSunNational Grid Renewables9.6 GWh33.4 k MMBtu Solar
Silver Lake GardenExcelsior Energy Capital3.6 GWh12.7 k MMBtu Solar
Everson GardenEverson Garden LLC2.2 GWh7.8 k MMBtu Solar
Novel David Solar LLC CSGREA Investments, LLC2.2 GWh7.7 k MMBtu Solar
Novel Winegar Partnership Solar CSGREA Investments, LLC2.1 GWh7.3 k MMBtu Solar
Novel Kanewischer Solar CSGREA Investments, LLC1.9 GWh6.5 k MMBtu Solar
Altair Community Solar GardenNational Grid Renewables1.9 GWh6.4 k MMBtu Solar
Novel Haley Solar CSGREA Investments, LLC1.9 GWh6.4 k MMBtu Solar
Severson GardenSeverson HoldCo LLC1.8 GWh6.3 k MMBtu Solar
Loon GardenLoon Garden LLC1.8 GWh6.3 k MMBtu Solar
Enter SolarArcadia Solar, LLC1.8 GWh6.2 k MMBtu Solar
Buffalo GardenBuffalo Garden LLC1.8 GWh6.1 k MMBtu Solar
Clear Garden CSGClear Garden LLC1.7 GWh6.1 k MMBtu Solar
Bolduan CSGTerraform Arcadia1.7 GWh6.2 k MMBtu Solar
Guse CSGTerraform Arcadia1.7 GWh6.0 k MMBtu Solar
Winegar CSGTerraform Arcadia1.7 GWh5.8 k MMBtu Solar
Novel Jewison Solar CSGREA Investments, LLC1.4 GWh4.7 k MMBtu Solar
Lily GardenLily Garden LLC1.1 GWh3.9 k MMBtu Solar
JanesvilleCity of Janesville - (MN)69.0 MWh595 MMBtu Distillate Fuel Oil : 93.5% Natural Gas : 6.5%
Fox GardenFox Garden LLC0.0 Wh0 MMBtu No Information Available

Electricity Generation for Neighboring Counties

National RankCountyNet Generation# Power Plants
#412Blue Earth County2.8 TWh27
#1334Dodge County144.2 GWh20
#1482Faribault County78.8 GWh6
#653Freeborn County1.1 TWh6
#1552Le Sueur County59.2 GWh14
#1681Nicollet County31.0 GWh9
#644Rice County1.2 TWh32
#1328Scott County148.5 GWh12
#1285Steele County174.4 GWh11
#670Winnebago County1.1 TWh8

* Net Generation data is based on the last 12 months since Dec 2024

Electricity Generation for Cities Located in Waseca County, MN

State RankCityNet Generation# Power Plants
#173Janesville, MN5.0 GWh4
#190New Richland, MN3.6 GWh2
#58Waseca, MN56.6 GWh16

* Net Generation data is based on the last 12 months since Dec 2023