Horse Creek Wind, LLC

425 NW 10TH Ave Portland, OR 97209

Company Summary Information

Horse Creek Wind, LLC is ranked #543 out of 4,868 utilities nationwide in terms of total annual net electricity generation, and they are ranked #113 out of 727 utilities in terms of total annual net electricity generation from wind.

Horse Creek Wind, LLC generated 260.7 GWh during the 3-month period between September 2023 to December 2023.

Company NameHorse Creek Wind, LLC
Location425 NW 10TH Ave Portland, OR 97209
EIA Utility TypeIndependent Power Producer
EIA Utility DatesOct 2016 to Dec 2023
EIA Annual Generation 887.9 GWh
EIA Power Plants1
Fuel Types Wind
Ranked #543 out of 4,868 Utilities Nationwide by Annual Generation
Ranked #113 out of 727 Utilities Nationwide in terms of Wind Generation

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Monthly Electricity Generation by Type

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Power Plants Operated by Horse Creek Wind, LLC

PlantLocationAnnual GenerationInitial Operation DateLast UpdateFuel Types
Horse Creek Wind FarmWeinert, Texas819 GWhSep 2016Dec 2023 Wind

Other Companies Listed Alphabetically

A list of companies close to Horse Creek Wind, LLC when arranged alphabetically. They do not neccessarily have any association with Horse Creek Wind, LLC.

Company NameCompany LocationEIA Annual
FERC 2024 Q3
Hood Container Of Louisiana, LLCSt. Francisville, LA126.9 GWh-
Hoopeston Wind LLCCharlottesville, VA369.5 GWh$1.27M
Hoosier Energy R E C, IncBloomington, IN187.8 GWh-
Hoosier Energy Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc.Bloomington, IN-$116.18M
Hopewell Campus Owners LLCPennington, NJ493.8 MWh-
Hopewell Power Generation, LLCIrving, TX-$27.81M
Hopewell Valley High SchoolPennington, NJ709.3 MWh-
Hopkins Energy LLCDike, TX346.2 GWh-
Horizon Hill Wind, LLCCentralia, WA514.3 GWh$2.46M
Horizon Power And Light, LLCBirmingham, AL-$857.91k
Horseshoe Bend Hydroelectric CoSan Diego, CA37.9 GWh-
Horseshoe Bend Wind, LLCGatineau, QC-$16.50M
Horseshoe Solar, LLCNew York, NY135.2 GWh$1.89M
Horus Louisiana 1, LLCLake Mary, FL107.9 GWh$2.28M
Horus West VIrginia 1, LLCLake Mary, FL143.9 GWh-
Horus West VIrginia I, LLCBenito Juarez, MX-$2.12M
Hot Springs Windfarm, LLCBaltimore, MD40.8 GWh-
Howard County - Maryland1.6 GWh-
Howard Wind LLCBoston, MA107.6 GWh$805.01k
HP Hood LLCWinchester, VA111.4 GWh-