GenConn Devon LLC

157 Church Street, PO Box 1564 New Haven, CT 6506

Company Summary Information

GenConn Devon LLC is ranked #4,107 out of 4,863 utilities nationwide in terms of total annual net electricity generation, and they are ranked #25 out of 55 utilities in terms of total annual net electricity generation from waste oil.

GenConn Devon LLC generated 698.3 MWh during the 3-month period between September 2023 to December 2023.

Company NameGenConn Devon LLC
Location157 Church Street, PO Box 1564 New Haven, CT 6506
EIA Utility TypeIndependent Power Producer
EIA Utility DatesJun 2010 to Dec 2023
EIA Annual Generation 2.3 GWh
EIA Power Plants1
Fuel Types Waste Oil Natural Gas
Ranked #4,107 out of 4,863 Utilities Nationwide by Annual Generation
Ranked #25 out of 55 Utilities Nationwide in terms of Waste Oil Generation

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Monthly Electricity Generation by Type

Monthly electricity generation by source as reported by the EIA

Waste Oil
Natural Gas
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Power Plants Operated by GenConn Devon LLC

PlantLocationAnnual GenerationInitial Operation DateLast UpdateFuel Types
GenConn Devon LLCMilford, Connecticut2 GWhMay 2010Dec 2023 Kerosene : 96.0% Natural Gas : 4.0%

Other Companies Listed Alphabetically

A list of companies close to GenConn Devon LLC when arranged alphabetically. They do not neccessarily have any association with GenConn Devon LLC.

Company NameCompany LocationEIA Annual
FERC 2024 Q3
GDIM 1, LLCCranston, RI13.7 GWh-
GDIM 2, LLCCranston, RI13.0 GWh-
GDIM 3, LLCCranston, RI13.9 GWh-
GDIM 4, LLCCranston, RI14.3 GWh-
Ge Wind Energy LLCSchenectady, NY26.5 GWh-
Geddes 1 Solar, LLCSanta Monica, CA4.0 GWh-
Geddes 2 Solar, LLCSanta Monica, CA4.0 GWh-
Gem Energy LLCWalbridge, OH1.6 GWh-
Gemini Community SolarScottsdale, AZ4.8 GWh-
Gemini SolarOakland, CA1.5 TWh-
Genconn Energy LLCHouston, TX-$7.53M
Genconn Middletown LLCNew Haven, CT4.3 GWh-
General Electric Aircraft EnginesErie, PA8.7 GWh-
Generate CapitalSan Francisco, CA261.0 GWh-
Generate Colchester Fuel Cells, LLCSan Francisco, CA88.2 GWh-
Generate Er-NG, LLCHouston, TX3.6 GWh-
Generate Fremont Digester, LLC.Fremont, MI11.7 GWh-
Generation Bridge Connecticut Holdings, LLCBirmingham, AL-$20.96M
Generation Bridge II Connecticut, LLCStamford, CT3.7 TWh-
Generation Bridge II New York LLCStamford, CT4.1 TWh-

Company Contacts

A list of all company contacts obtained from FERC EQR data since 2013

ContactTitlePhoneEmailAddressFERC Filing Periods
EQR Coordinator2021Q3 - 2024Q4
Senior Regulatory Counsel2021Q3 - 2024Q4
EQR Coordinator2019Q2 - 2021Q2
Senior Regulatory Counsel2019Q2 - 2021Q2
EQR Coordinator2018Q2 - 2019Q1
Managing Director Regulatory C2018Q1 - 2019Q1
Contract Analyst2018Q1 - 2018Q1
Contract Analyst2013Q3 - 2017Q4
Director Regulatory Compliance Officer|Managing Director Regulatory C2013Q3 - 2017Q4

GenConn Devon LLC Name and Address Permutations

Due to the nature of the data we have to make some assumptions when determining if two companies are the same. So to be transparent about how we're calculating some of the summary values, here are all the company names and addresses that were combined to create this record. While we try to make sure everything is as accurate as possible we can't guarantee complete accuracy for all records.

Company NameCompany Address
GenConn Devon LLC1000 Main Houston, TX 77002
GenConn Devon LLC1100 Louisiana Street, Suite 5150 Houston, TX 77002
GenConn Devon LLC1200 Smith Street, Suite 600 Houston, TX 77002
GenConn Devon LLC157 Church Street, PO Box 1564 New Haven, CT 6506
GenConn Devon LLC211 Carnegie Center Princeton, NJ 08540
GenConn Devon LLC804 Carnegie Center Princeton, NJ 08540
GenConn Devon LLC910 Louisiana Houston, TX 77002