FirstEnergy Pennsylvania Electric Company

76 South Main Street Akron, OH 44308

Company Summary Information

According to FERC EQR data, FirstEnergy Pennsylvania Electric Company had a total of $647.1k in seller transasctions and $18.8M in buyer transasctions in 2024 Q1.

Company NameFirstEnergy Pennsylvania Electric Company
Location76 South Main Street Akron, OH 44308
EIA DataNo EIA Information Available

FERC Seller Summary

Seller Dates AvailableJan 2024 to Jun 2024
Seller Total Transaction Charges$1.29M
Seller Total Transactions6,828
Seller 2024 Q1 Transaction Charges$647.08k
Seller 2024 Q1 Transactions1,063

FERC Buyer Summary

Buyer Dates AvailableJan 2024 to Jul 2024
Buyer Total Transaction Charges$92.86M
Buyer Total Transactions3,681
Buyer 2024 Q1 Transaction Charges$18.78M
Buyer 2024 Q1 Transactions14

Map of FirstEnergy Pennsylvania Electric Company Locations

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Monthly FERC Transaction Charges by Type

Monthly aggregates and sums are derived from FERC Electronic Quarterly Reports (EQR)

Other Companies Listed Alphabetically

A list of companies close to FirstEnergy Pennsylvania Electric Company when arranged alphabetically. They do not neccessarily have any association with FirstEnergy Pennsylvania Electric Company.

Company NameCompany LocationEIA Annual
FERC 2024 Q1
FGE Goodnight I, LLCClaude, TX220.1 GWh-
Finch Paper LLCGlens Falls, NY140.1 GWh-
Findlay Wind FarmFindlay, OH7.9 GWh-
Finger Lakes Solar I, LLCBoston, MA3.1 GWh-
Finley Bioenergy LLC35.6 GWh-
Fire Island Wind LLCAnchorage, AK50.3 GWh-
First Choice Energy LLCBrooklyn, NY-$12.12k
First National Bank-CommerceNew Orleans, LA804.2 GWh-
First Point Power, LLCCranston, RI-$101.16M
First State Marine WindLewes, DE5.0 GWh-
Firstlight CT Housatonic LLCBurlington, MA-$6.67M
Firstlight CT Hydro LLCBurlington, MA-$356.41k
Firstlight Ma Hydro LLCBurlington, MA-$5.22M
Firstlight Power Management LLCBurlington, MA-$77.66M
Firstlight Power Resources Services LLCNew Milford, CT462.5 GWh-
Fish Lake Power LLCDES Moines, IA-$4.00k
Fish Springs Ranch Solar, LLCJuno Beach, FL417.0 GWh$1.72M
Fisher Road Solar I LLC8.1 GWh-
Fitchburg Gas And Electric Light CompanyHampton, NH-$4.77M
Fitchburg Renewables, LLCBoston, MA6.4 GWh-

All Companies Associated with FirstEnergy Pennsylvania Electric Company

A list of all companies associated with FirstEnergy Pennsylvania Electric Company in terms of FERC EQR transactions. Total Transaction Charges are based on FERC EQR data obtained since Q3 2013.

Company Name2024 Q1 Transactions w/
FirstEnergy Pennsylvania Electric Company
Macquarie Energy LLC$18.39M
The Potomac Edison Company$849.50k
PJM Interconnection, L.L.C.$46.79k
PJM Settlement, Inc.$35.27k
Pike County Light & Power Company$32.73k
Monongahela Power Company$24.47k
Nyseg Co, Niagara Mohawk Power Corp, PPL Co, And Wellsboro Elect Co$13.67k
PPL Electric Utilities Corporation$12.97k
Philadelphia Electric Company$2.90k
Duquesne Light Company$2.73k
DTE Energy Trading, Inc.-
Calpine Energy Services, L.P.-
BP Energy Company-
Nextera Energy Marketing, LLC-

Company Contacts

A list of all company contacts obtained from FERC EQR data since 2013

ContactTitlePhoneEmailAddressFERC Filing Periods
Analyst2024Q1 - 2024Q2
Attorney III2024Q1 - 2024Q2

The 20 Most Recent FERC EQR Transactions

Displaying Results 1 to 20 of 10,509   ( 0.022s )
Seller NameBuyer NameProductTransaction
Group Ref #
Begin DateEnd DateTrade DateQuantityPriceUnitsTransmission
FERC Tariff RefContract
Point of
Delivery Hub
Calpine Energy Services, L.P.FirstEnergy Pennsylvania Electric CompanyENERGY36993422024-06-01 00:002024-07-01 00:002023-11-083,344.9549$89.87$/MWH$0.00$300,611.10Market-Based Rate Tariff, FERC Electric Tariff, Volume No. 1CESLP-2.3.4-70665New2023-04-122023-04-12EasternPrevailing2PJMMETED_ZONEFirmLongTermMonthlyFullPeriodNew
Calpine Energy Services, L.P.FirstEnergy Pennsylvania Electric CompanyENERGY36993422024-06-01 00:002024-07-01 00:002023-11-087,052.9459$89.87$/MWH$0.00$633,848.25Market-Based Rate Tariff, FERC Electric Tariff, Volume No. 1CESLP-2.3.4-70665New2023-04-122023-04-12EasternPrevailing2PJMMETED_ZONEFirmLongTermMonthlyFullPeriodNew
Calpine Energy Services, L.P.FirstEnergy Pennsylvania Electric CompanyENERGY36993502024-06-01 00:002024-07-01 00:002023-11-083,344.9549$92.53$/MWH$0.00$309,508.68Market-Based Rate Tariff, FERC Electric Tariff, Volume No. 1CESLP-2.3.4-70665New2023-04-122023-04-12EasternPrevailing2PJMMETED_ZONEFirmLongTermYearlyFullPeriodNew
Calpine Energy Services, L.P.FirstEnergy Pennsylvania Electric CompanyENERGY36993572024-06-01 00:002024-07-01 00:002023-11-083,988.4269$88.03$/MWH$0.00$351,101.22Market-Based Rate Tariff, FERC Electric Tariff, Volume No. 1CESLP-2.3.4-70665New2023-04-122023-04-12EasternPrevailing2PJMMETED_ZONENotApplicableClassLongTermMonthlyFullPeriodNew

FirstEnergy Pennsylvania Electric Company Name and Address Permutations

Due to the nature of the data we have to make some assumptions when determining if two companies are the same. So to be transparent about how we're calculating some of the summary values, here are all the company names and addresses that were combined to create this record. While we try to make sure everything is as accurate as possible we can't guarantee complete accuracy for all records.

Company NameCompany Address
FirstEnergy Pennsylvania Electric Company341 White Pond Drive Akron, OH 44320
FirstEnergy Pennsylvania Electric Company76 South Main Street Akron, OH 44308