Elizabeth Mines Solar 1, LLC

134 East 40TH St New York, NY 10016

Company Summary Information

Elizabeth Mines Solar 1, LLC is ranked #3,179 out of 4,868 utilities nationwide in terms of total annual net electricity generation, and they are ranked #1,117 out of 2,234 utilities in terms of total annual net electricity generation from solar.

Elizabeth Mines Solar 1, LLC generated 1.8 GWh during the 3-month period between September 2023 to December 2023.

Company NameElizabeth Mines Solar 1, LLC
Location134 East 40TH St New York, NY 10016
EIA Utility TypeIndependent Power Producer
EIA Utility DatesNov 2017 to Dec 2023
EIA Annual Generation 7.0 GWh
EIA Power Plants1
Fuel Types Solar
Ranked #3,179 out of 4,868 Utilities Nationwide by Annual Generation
Ranked #1,117 out of 2,234 Utilities Nationwide in terms of Solar Generation

Map of Elizabeth Mines Solar 1, LLC Locations

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Monthly Electricity Generation by Type

Monthly electricity generation by source as reported by the EIA

Power Plants Operated by Elizabeth Mines Solar 1, LLC

PlantLocationAnnual GenerationInitial Operation DateLast UpdateFuel Types
Elizabeth Mines Solar 1So. Strafford, Vermont7 GWhOct 2017Dec 2023 Solar

Other Companies Listed Alphabetically

A list of companies close to Elizabeth Mines Solar 1, LLC when arranged alphabetically. They do not neccessarily have any association with Elizabeth Mines Solar 1, LLC.

Company NameCompany LocationEIA Annual
FERC 2024 Q3
Electric Avenue Lunenburg Solar 1, LLCBoston, MA2.4 GWh-
Electricity Maine, LLCHouston, TX-$8.27k
Electricity NH, LLCHouston, TX-$17.23k
Elektron Power LLCSunderland, MD-$22.77k
Elektron Solar, LLCNew York, NY123.7 GWh$2.01M
Elevate Power Management LLCNew York, NY62.4 GWh-
Elevation Energy Group, LLCAustin, TX-$37.35k
Elevation Solar C LLCLouisville, CO-$2.19M
Eleven Mile Solar Center, LLCAustin, TX386.5 GWh$4.27M
Eligo Energy, LLCBirmingham, AL-$1.72M
Elk City LLCJuno Beach, FL545.9 GWh-
Elk City Renewables II, LLCJuno Beach, FL-$348.26k
Elk City Wind, LLCJuno Beach, FL-$2.66M
Elk Hills Power LLCTupman, CA2.5 TWh$21.13M
Elk River Windfarm, LLCPortland, OR-$2.11M
Elk Wind Energy LLCWest DES Moines, IA-$1.66M
Elkhorn Ridge Wind, LLCScottsdale, AZ174.4 GWh$2.50M
Ellwood Power, LLCHouston, TX4.2 GWh$1.76M
Elm Creek Wind II LLCPortland, OR-$939.97k
Elm Creek Wind, LLCPortland, OR-$1.93M