Berry Petroleum Co

11117 River Run BLVD. Bakersfield, CA 93311

Company Summary Information

Berry Petroleum Co is ranked #1,199 out of 4,876 utilities nationwide in terms of total annual net electricity generation, and they are ranked #452 out of 1,283 utilities in terms of total annual net electricity generation from natural gas.

Berry Petroleum Co generated 78.4 GWh during the 3-month period between September 2023 to December 2023.

According to FERC EQR data, Berry Petroleum Co had a total of $2.4M in seller transasctions in 2024 Q2.

Company NameBerry Petroleum Co
Location11117 River Run BLVD. Bakersfield, CA 93311
EIA Utility TypeIndependent Power Producer
EIA Utility DatesJan 2001 to Sep 2024
EIA Annual Generation 244.2 GWh
EIA Power Plants3
Fuel Types Natural Gas
Ranked #1,199 out of 4,876 Utilities Nationwide by Annual Generation
Ranked #452 out of 1,283 Utilities Nationwide in terms of Natural Gas Generation

FERC Seller Summary

Seller Dates AvailableJul 2013 to Sep 2024
Seller Total Transaction Charges$248.00M
Seller Total Transactions281,690
Seller 2024 Q2 Transaction Charges$2.37M
Seller 2024 Q2 Transactions9

Map of Berry Petroleum Co Locations

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Monthly Electricity Generation by Type

Monthly electricity generation by source as reported by the EIA

Monthly FERC Transaction Charges by Type

Monthly aggregates and sums are derived from FERC Electronic Quarterly Reports (EQR)

Power Plants Operated by Berry Petroleum Co

PlantLocationAnnual GenerationInitial Operation DateLast UpdateFuel Types
Berry CogenTaft, California17 GWhNov 1986Sep 2024 Natural Gas
Berry Cogen Tanne Hills 18Maricopa, California137 GWhNov 1986Sep 2024 Natural Gas
Berry NMW CogensBakersfield, California72 GWhOct 2017Dec 2023 Natural Gas

Other Companies Listed Alphabetically

A list of companies close to Berry Petroleum Co when arranged alphabetically. They do not neccessarily have any association with Berry Petroleum Co.

Company NameCompany LocationEIA Annual
FERC 2024 Q2
Ben Milam Solar 3 LLCRedwood City, CA118.0 GWh-
Bennett Creek Windfarm LLCBaltimore, MD43.5 GWh-
Benson CreekNew York, NY28.2 GWh-
Benton County Wind Farm LLCOakland, CA-$12.22M
Bergen Generating StationRidgefield, NJ2.6 TWh-
Berkeley Cogeneration FacilityBerkeley, CA176.2 GWh-
Berkshire Power Co LLCAgawam, MA70.1 GWh$4.56M
Berlin Station, LLCPortsmouth, NH546.5 GWh-
Bernard Creek Solar, LLCHouston, TX347.8 GWh-
Bernhardt Furniture CompanyLenoir, NC1.8 GWh-
Bessp1, LLC.Omaha, NE1.2 GWh-
Betcher CSG LLCAnnapolis, MD1.9 GWh-
Bethel Wind Energy LLCWest DES Moines, IA-$1.84M
Bethel Wind Farm LLCBirmingham, AL-$3.33M
Bethpage Energy Center 3, LLCHouston, TX-$4.92M
Beulah Solar, LLCAsheville, NC145.4 GWh$1.51M
BHE Glacier Wind 1, LLCKevin, MT-$269.05k
BHE Glacier Wind 2, LLCKevin, MT-$224.98k
BHE Renewables, LLCDES Moines, IA5.7 TWh-
BHE Rim Rock Wind, LLCKevin, MT-$5.58M

All Companies Associated with Berry Petroleum Co

A list of all companies associated with Berry Petroleum Co in terms of FERC EQR transactions. Total Transaction Charges are based on FERC EQR data obtained since Q3 2013.

Company Name2024 Q2 Transactions w/
Berry Petroleum Co
Nextera Energy Marketing, LLC$2.37M
Pacific Gas And Electric Company-
Southern California Edison Company-

The 20 Most Recent FERC EQR Transactions

Displaying Results 1 to 20 of 281,690   ( 0.088s )
Seller NameBuyer NameProductTransaction
Group Ref #
Begin DateEnd DateTrade DateQuantityPriceUnitsTransmission
FERC Tariff RefContract
Point of
Delivery Hub
Berry Petroleum Company, LLCCAISOOTHER4561_T40632024-09-01 00:002024-09-30 00:002024-09-012,453.36$0.2127FLAT RATE$0.00$-521.83MBR Tariff, 2.2.0Cogen 38 CAISONew2022-07-012022-07-01PacificPrevailing2CISOZP26UnitPowerSaleShortTermMonthlyNotApplicableIncrementPeakingNewBroker
Berry Petroleum Company, LLCCAISOOTHER4560_T40622024-09-01 00:002024-09-30 00:002024-09-011,360.01$0.1376FLAT RATE$0.00$-187.14MBR Tariff, 2.2.0Cogen 38 CAISONew2022-07-012022-07-01PacificPrevailing2CISOZP26UnitPowerSaleShortTermMonthlyNotApplicableIncrementPeakingNewBroker
Berry Petroleum Company, LLCCAISOOTHER4515_T40612024-09-01 00:002024-09-30 00:002024-09-01759$0.005FLAT RATE$0.00$-3.80MBR Tariff, 2.2.0Cogen 38 CAISONew2022-07-012022-07-01PacificPrevailing2CISOZP26UnitPowerSaleShortTermMonthlyNotApplicableIncrementPeakingNewBroker
Berry Petroleum Company, LLCCAISOOTHER4575_T40642024-09-01 00:002024-09-30 00:002024-09-010.1429$-1,500.00FLAT RATE$0.00$-214.29MBR Tariff, 2.2.0Cogen 38 CAISONew2022-07-012022-07-01PacificPrevailing2CISOZP26UnitPowerSaleShortTermMonthlyNotApplicableIncrementPeakingNewBroker

Berry Petroleum Co Name and Address Permutations

Due to the nature of the data we have to make some assumptions when determining if two companies are the same. So to be transparent about how we're calculating some of the summary values, here are all the company names and addresses that were combined to create this record. While we try to make sure everything is as accurate as possible we can't guarantee complete accuracy for all records.

Company NameCompany Address
Berry Petroleum Co11117 River Run BLVD. Bakersfield, CA 93311
Berry Petroleum Company, LLC11117 River Run BLVD Bakersfield, CA 93311
Berry Petroleum Company, LLC5201 Truxtun Ave Bakersfield, CA 93309
Berry Petroleum Company, LLC5201 Truxtun Ave Suite 100 Bakersfield, CA 93309