Alcoa Power Generating, Inc. - Yadkin Division (YAD) | 782 GWh | 4 | 2025-03-21 | North Carolina |
Arizona Public Service Company (AZPS) | 22.6 TWh | 75 | 2025-03-21 | ArizonaNew Mexico |
Arlington Valley, LLC (DEAA) | 3.4 TWh | 1 | 2025-03-21 | Arizona |
Associated Electric Cooperative, Inc. (AECI) | 22.7 TWh | 47 | 2025-03-21 | ArkansasIowaMissouriOklahoma |
Avangrid Renewables, LLC (AVRN) | 9.0 TWh | 19 | 2025-03-21 | OregonWashington |
Avista Corporation (AVA) | 8.0 TWh | 33 | 2025-03-21 | IdahoMontanaWashington |
Balancing Authority of Northern California (BANC) | 15.0 TWh | 83 | 2025-03-21 | California |
Bonneville Power Administration (BPAT) | 81.8 TWh | 158 | 2025-03-21 | IdahoMontanaOregonWashingtonWyoming |
California Independent System Operator (CISO) | 189 TWh | 1,943 | 2025-03-21 | ArizonaCaliforniaNevada |
City of Homestead (HST) | 462 MWh | 1 | 2025-03-21 | |
City of Tacoma, Department of Public Utilities, Light Division (TPWR) | 2.1 TWh | 9 | 2025-03-21 | Washington |
City of Tallahassee (TAL) | 3.1 TWh | 5 | 2025-03-21 | Florida |
Dominion Energy South Carolina, Inc. (SCEG) | 26.1 TWh | 85 | 2025-03-21 | GeorgiaSouth Carolina |
Duke Energy Carolinas (DUK) | 112 TWh | 556 | 2025-03-21 | North CarolinaSouth Carolina |
Duke Energy Florida, Inc. (FPC) | 46.9 TWh | 92 | 2025-03-21 | Florida |
Duke Energy Progress East (CPLE) | 65.2 TWh | 554 | 2025-03-21 | North CarolinaSouth Carolina |
Duke Energy Progress West (CPLW) | 4.1 TWh | 10 | 2025-03-21 | North Carolina |
El Paso Electric Company (EPE) | 6.6 TWh | 31 | 2025-03-21 | New MexicoTexasUtah |
Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Inc. (ERCO) | 471 TWh | 1,139 | 2025-03-21 | OklahomaTexas |
Florida Municipal Power Pool (FMPP) | 17.4 TWh | 21 | 2025-03-21 | Florida |
Florida Power & Light Co. (FPL) | 147 TWh | 159 | 2025-03-21 | Florida |
Gainesville Regional Utilities (GVL) | 1.8 TWh | 6 | 2025-03-21 | Florida |
Gridforce Energy Management, LLC (GRID) | 19.3 TWh | 1 | 2025-03-21 | Oregon |
Idaho Power Company (IPCO) | 15.5 TWh | 164 | 2025-03-21 | IdahoOregon |
Imperial Irrigation District (IID) | 5.6 TWh | 65 | 2025-03-21 | California |
ISO New England (ISNE) | 104 TWh | 1,487 | 2025-03-21 | ConnecticutMaineMassachusettsNew HampshireNew YorkRhode IslandVermont |
JEA (JEA) | 9.3 TWh | 22 | 2025-03-21 | Florida |
Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LDWP) | 17.2 TWh | 120 | 2025-03-21 | CaliforniaNevadaUtah |
Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company (LGEE) | 34.0 TWh | 20 | 2025-03-21 | Kentucky |
Midcontinent Independent System Operator, Inc. (MISO) | 646 TWh | 2,653 | 2025-03-21 | ArkansasIllinoisIndianaIowaKentuckyLouisianaMichiganMinnesotaMississippiMissouriMontanaNorth DakotaSouth DakotaTexasWisconsin |
NaturEner Power Watch, LLC (GWA) | 495 GWh | 2 | 2025-03-21 | Montana |
NaturEner Wind Watch, LLC (WWA) | 581 GWh | 1 | 2025-03-21 | Montana |
Nevada Power Company (NEVP) | 37.5 TWh | 136 | 2025-03-21 | CaliforniaNevada |
New Harquahala Generating Company, LLC (HGMA) | 3.6 TWh | 1 | 2025-03-21 | Arizona |
New York Independent System Operator (NYIS) | 131 TWh | 1,100 | 2025-03-21 | New JerseyNew York |
NorthWestern Corporation (NWMT) | 18.9 TWh | 66 | 2025-03-21 | MontanaWyoming |
PacifiCorp East (PACE) | 56.4 TWh | 204 | 2025-03-21 | ColoradoIdahoMontanaUtahWyoming |
PacifiCorp West (PACW) | 5.1 TWh | 128 | 2025-03-21 | CaliforniaOregonWashington |
PJM Interconnection, LLC (PJM) | 859 TWh | 2,305 | 2025-03-21 | DelawareDistrict of ColumbiaIllinoisIndianaKentuckyMarylandMichiganMinnesotaNew JerseyNorth CarolinaOhioPennsylvaniaTennesseeVirginiaWest Virginia |
Portland General Electric Company (PGE) | 7.8 TWh | 95 | 2025-03-21 | OregonWashington |
Public Service Company of Colorado (PSCO) | 48.7 TWh | 201 | 2025-03-21 | Colorado |
Public Service Company of New Mexico (PNM) | 15.5 TWh | 108 | 2025-03-21 | New Mexico |
Public Utility District No. 1 of Chelan County (CHPD) | 7.4 TWh | 3 | 2025-03-21 | Washington |
Public Utility District No. 2 of Grant County, Washington (GCPD) | 8.2 TWh | 4 | 2025-03-21 | Washington |
PUD No. 1 of Douglas County (DOPD) | 3.6 TWh | 2 | 2025-03-21 | Washington |
Puget Sound Energy, Inc. (PSEI) | 6.8 TWh | 36 | 2025-03-21 | MontanaWashington |
Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District (SRP) | 57.8 TWh | 45 | 2025-03-21 | Arizona |
Seattle City Light (SCL) | 4.4 TWh | 9 | 2025-03-21 | Washington |
Seminole Electric Cooperative (SEC) | 14.5 TWh | 5 | 2025-03-21 | Florida |
South Carolina Public Service Authority (SC) | 19.2 TWh | 33 | 2025-03-21 | South Carolina |
Southeastern Power Administration (SEPA) | 1.5 TWh | 11 | 2025-03-21 | GeorgiaNorth CarolinaSouth Carolina |
Southern Company Services, Inc. - Trans (SOCO) | 252 TWh | 393 | 2025-03-21 | AlabamaFloridaGeorgiaMississippi |
Southwest Power Pool (SWPP) | 295 TWh | 762 | 2025-03-21 | ArkansasColoradoIowaKansasLouisianaMinnesotaMissouriMontanaNebraskaNew MexicoNorth DakotaOklahomaSouth DakotaTexas |
Southwestern Power Administration (SPA) | 3.9 TWh | 31 | 2025-03-21 | ArkansasMissouriOklahoma |
Tampa Electric Company (TEC) | 21.5 TWh | 57 | 2025-03-21 | Florida |
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) | 159 TWh | 170 | 2025-03-21 | AlabamaGeorgiaKentuckyMississippiNorth CarolinaTennesseeVirginia |
Tucson Electric Power (TEPC) | 13.9 TWh | 51 | 2025-03-21 | ArizonaNew Mexico |
Turlock Irrigation District (TIDC) | 2.2 TWh | 11 | 2025-03-21 | California |
Western Area Power Administration - Desert Southwest Region (WALC) | 8.5 TWh | 30 | 2025-03-21 | ArizonaCaliforniaNevada |
Western Area Power Administration - Rocky Mountain Region (WACM) | 35.4 TWh | 170 | 2025-03-21 | ColoradoNebraskaNew MexicoNorth DakotaSouth DakotaUtahWyoming |
Western Area Power Administration - Upper Great Plains West (WAUW) | 479 GWh | 24 | 2025-03-21 | MontanaUtahWyoming |