Summary of Electricity Activity in Hoonah-Angoon Census Area, AK

Summary of Hoonah-Angoon Census Area, AK Generation

Hoonah-Angoon Census Area, AK is ranked #1,867 out of 2,102 U.S. counties nationwide and #23 out of 30 Alaska counties in terms of total annual net electricity generation.

Annual Generation 8.0 GWh
Annual Consumption 85.0 k MMBtu
Last UpdateDec 2023
Power Plants4
Companies on File3

Map of Top Producing Plants in Hoonah-Angoon Census Area, AK

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Overall National Rank

#1,867 /2,102 U.S. Counties

In Net Annual Generation

Overall State Rank

#23 /30 Alaska Counties

In Net Annual Generation

Overall Annual Net Geneneration

8.0 GWh

Total Annual Fuel Consumption

85.0 k MMBtu

Electric Companies in Hoonah-Angoon Census Area, AK


Hoonah-Angoon Census Area, AK
Power Plants


Annual Net Generation From distillate fuel oil power

6.1 GWh

National Rank in Terms of distillate fuel oil Net Electricity Generation

#146 /729 U.S. Counties

State Rank in Terms of distillate fuel oil Net Electricity Generation

#14 /24 Alaska Counties

Monthly Net Generation for Hoonah-Angoon Census Area, AK

Net Generation by Fuel Source

Net Generation by Fuel Source Breakdown

State RankNational RankGenerationFuel Consumption
All#23 / 30#1867 / 21027.96 GWh85.04 k MMBtu
Distillate Fuel Oil#14 / 24#146 / 7296.14 GWh73.66 k MMBtu
Water#13 / 14#533 / 5501.32 GWh4.85 k MMBtu
Jet Fuel#1 / 2#6 / 10491.96 MWh6.53 k MMBtu

Power Plants in Hoonah-Angoon Census Area, AK

PlantUtility NameGenerationConsumptionFuel Types
HoonahInside Passage Elec Coop, Inc4.2 GWh46.5 k MMBtu Distillate Fuel Oil : 96.8% Jet Fuel : 3.2%
AngoonInside Passage Elec Coop, Inc1.8 GWh25.6 k MMBtu Distillate Fuel Oil : 80.4% Jet Fuel : 19.6%
PelicanPelican Utility1.6 GWh8.3 k MMBtu Water : 83.8% Distillate Fuel Oil : 16.2%
GustavusAlaska Power and Telephone Co319.0 MWh4.6 k MMBtu Distillate Fuel Oil

Electricity Generation for Neighboring Counties

National RankCountyNet Generation# Power Plants
#2052Haines Borough242.0 MWh2
#993Juneau City and Borough435.8 GWh9
#1377Sitka City and Borough121.2 GWh3
#1689Skagway Municipality28.5 GWh3

* Net Generation data is based on the last 12 months since Dec 2023

Electricity Generation for Cities Located in Hoonah-Angoon Census Area, AK

State RankCityNet Generation# Power Plants
#70Angoon, AK1.8 GWh1
#87Gustavus, AK319.0 MWh1
#43Hoonah, AK4.2 GWh1
#76Pelican, AK1.6 GWh1

* Net Generation data is based on the last 12 months since Dec 2023